Well, let's learn from the opposite example given in MAtthew 12:43-45
"But when the unclean spirit has gone out of man, he roams through dry places in search of rest, but he does not find any. Then he says, I will go back to my house from which I came out. ANd when he arrives he finds the plae unoccupied, swept, put in order and decorated. Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they go in and make their home there. And the last condition of that man becomes worse than the first."
Let's come back to the scripture in Matthew 12:35 "The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
And now I have a question: how can God come and live in theinner man of a person when that person is nothing, beggar, poor?
Would glory come in to that undeserved place of a body of a mere men?
Where is the wisdom here?
Teach me Lord, I pray.
Would glory come in to that undeserved place of a body of a mere men?
Where is the wisdom here?
Teach me Lord, I pray.
Treasure in the man
Matthew 12:35
The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things.
How deep this message, yet a little that I copmrehend. Help me Lord!
I noticed that this scripture realtes to the Epesians 3:16, 19. It talks about God's rich treasure in the inner being of a man.
I prayed to God: "Make me rich in the heavenly. Do not give me the riches earthly. Let me store the riches in heaven. But Now there is a new dimension to that prayer:
"Dear Lord, I pray and ask you to grant me the riches of Your presence within my spirit an dinner man. Make me rich in my inner being. Amen."
God is good.
Where God is in the inner being of a man, that man becomes a good man.
The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things.
How deep this message, yet a little that I copmrehend. Help me Lord!
I noticed that this scripture realtes to the Epesians 3:16, 19. It talks about God's rich treasure in the inner being of a man.
I prayed to God: "Make me rich in the heavenly. Do not give me the riches earthly. Let me store the riches in heaven. But Now there is a new dimension to that prayer:
"Dear Lord, I pray and ask you to grant me the riches of Your presence within my spirit an dinner man. Make me rich in my inner being. Amen."
God is good.
Where God is in the inner being of a man, that man becomes a good man.
"His disciples were hungry"... Matthew 12:1
We are hungry, we are hungry, we are hungry for You (the song)
His disciples were hungry
and we will be hungry as well.
Fill me and flood me with Yourself, Your Spirit and Love!
"the Pharisees saw it, they said to Him, See there! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful and not permitted on the Sabbath. He said to them, Have you not even read what David did when he was hungry, and those who accompanied him? (1 Sam 21:1-6; Lev.24:9) How he went into the house of God and ate the loaves of the showbread, which it was not lawful for him to eat nor for the men who accompanied him, but for the priests only?"... Matthew 12:2-4
God allows through Christ to hunger for Him no matter if you are a priest or a mere disciple. Hunger is good and you can come to the house of God and eat His bread. Hunger is good, remeber that. That will always allow you to come into the house of God!
We are hungry, we are hungry, we are hungry for You (the song)
His disciples were hungry
and we will be hungry as well.
Fill me and flood me with Yourself, Your Spirit and Love!
"the Pharisees saw it, they said to Him, See there! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful and not permitted on the Sabbath. He said to them, Have you not even read what David did when he was hungry, and those who accompanied him? (1 Sam 21:1-6; Lev.24:9) How he went into the house of God and ate the loaves of the showbread, which it was not lawful for him to eat nor for the men who accompanied him, but for the priests only?"... Matthew 12:2-4
God allows through Christ to hunger for Him no matter if you are a priest or a mere disciple. Hunger is good and you can come to the house of God and eat His bread. Hunger is good, remeber that. That will always allow you to come into the house of God!
The desires:
To buy an Amplified Bible (especially New Testament)
To have a printed machine
To write on the CD the songs God gave me
Farther Dreams:
To raise the dead
To dance for Christ
Do mighty works for GOD the Father
Proclaim the Kindom of God
To buy an Amplified Bible (especially New Testament)
To have a printed machine
To write on the CD the songs God gave me
Farther Dreams:
To raise the dead
To dance for Christ
Do mighty works for GOD the Father
Proclaim the Kindom of God
Ephesians 3:16,19
Ephesians 3:16
May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the Holy Spirit Himself-indwelling your innermost being and personality.Ephesians 3:19
That you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of God- that is may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!Fast meeting at Prayer Room on campus
I attended a fast meeting at our prayer room on campus. At first I felt out of place and uneasy to share, but our leader the lady started speaking, the presence of God filled the room. At that moment I did not care about who is around. GOD was the Center of it all!
After a great time,
I have talked to her personally, rahter crying and flooding with tears. This is what she said: "God is going to use you mightily." She said that all the people whom God uses mightily go through this dark testing time "the shadow of death". I felt hope and faith that God will do something through me. Yeah
But when I left that precious room, I cried intensively and shaked so desperately. I could not stop. Then I came to my beloved "secreat room" in Morison and prayed...
I love God and His ways!!!!
Love Him!!!!
I attended a fast meeting at our prayer room on campus. At first I felt out of place and uneasy to share, but our leader the lady started speaking, the presence of God filled the room. At that moment I did not care about who is around. GOD was the Center of it all!
After a great time,
I have talked to her personally, rahter crying and flooding with tears. This is what she said: "God is going to use you mightily." She said that all the people whom God uses mightily go through this dark testing time "the shadow of death". I felt hope and faith that God will do something through me. Yeah
But when I left that precious room, I cried intensively and shaked so desperately. I could not stop. Then I came to my beloved "secreat room" in Morison and prayed...
I love God and His ways!!!!
Love Him!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
the Gospel
I feel HUNGER for the GOSPEL>>>>>
I just want to read THE NEW TESTAMENT to see and witness about JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT>>>>>
Father, I glorify You for sending Your dear BElOVED SON to save sinners.
Father, I glorify You for sending Your dear BElOVED SON to save sinners.

Friday, April 25, 2008
James 1:22

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22
The Bible Study:
Read the passage from the Bible and then intentionally seek the ways how to do what it says.
I think it is a helpful way to build your Christian walk with Christ.
There are so many different ways for Bible Study: memorize the scriptures, confess the word, word study, etc.
I think that reading the Bible with an intention to get out of it things to do is a great way.
Lord, help me to do as You instruct.
I am a forgetful and deceived person, because I listen to the Word of God a lot, yet little that I do.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Prophetic words on April 23, 2008
Chuck Pierce:
" This is the perfect time for self-reflection. It is the perfect time to do a "spring-cleaning" of your emotions and mind."
"I say that He is King od kings and Lord of lords. I say that He is faithful and true, even when we don't understand. I say that He is the God who keeps His promises, the God who gives us victory, and the God who heals our wounds"
Amen and Amen.
" This is the perfect time for self-reflection. It is the perfect time to do a "spring-cleaning" of your emotions and mind."
"I say that He is King od kings and Lord of lords. I say that He is faithful and true, even when we don't understand. I say that He is the God who keeps His promises, the God who gives us victory, and the God who heals our wounds"
Amen and Amen.
Commitment is to be dedicated to a specific purpose, activity, assingment or a person.
It is a pledge or promise.
What is the value of commitment?
What does it do to a person wellbeing?
Is it important to a Christian faith?
What are the examples of commitment?
Where am I with commitments?
My friend Rhyse asked me to participate in a Bible Study, and I have a hard time to commit myself to it.
I had a difficulty to commit myslef in the past to a person for the future mariage becuase I tried to change him or give up when the tough times came.
Sometimes I fail to be where I suposed to be for school... (classes, meetings, etc)
For a long time (while I am being in America) I did not dedicate myself to a specific church.
I used to think that I like changes and new things, but maybe underline reason for that
is my unwillingness to commit for a long time.
Commitment to God
Commitment to people
Commitment to work and study
Commitment to goals
Commitment to church
How does my lack of commitment effect?
There is a dissapointment and unsure feelings about future.
There is lack of trust to people
There is a fear of unknown
Commitment sounds boring to people who like adventure and new experiences, but a true life cannot exist without commitment. Look, Jesus asked people to follow Him. He cannot intrust the Kingdom of God to those who wanted to escape and return to their previous life.
Commitment is a constant choice to wait and prevail in patience.
Commitment is inconvinience in our worldview
Commitment is the bond that is not easily broken
Monday, April 21, 2008
Но я к Богу обратился бы, предал бы дело мое Богу,
Который творит дела великие и неисследимые, чудные без
дает дождь на лице земли и посылает воды на лице
униженных поставляет на высоту, и сетующие возносятся во
Он разрушает замыслы коварных, и руки их не довершают
Он уловляет мудрецов их же лукавством, и совет хитрых
днем они встречают тьму и в полдень ходят ощупью,
спасает бедного от меча, от уст их и от руки
есть несчастному
надежда, и неправда затворяет уста
Блажен человек,
которого вразумляет Бог, и потому
Вседержителева не отвергай,
Он причиняет раны и Сам
обвязывает их; Он
поражает, и Его же руки
В шести
бедах спасет тебя, и в
седьмой не коснется тебя
Во время
избавит тебя от смерти, и
на войне – от руки меча.
укроешь себя и не убоишься
опустошения, когда оно придет.
Опустошению и голоду посмеешься и
зверей земли не убоишься,
ибо с
камнями полевыми у тебя союз, и звери
полевые в мире с тобою.
узнаешь, что
шатер твой в безопасности, и
будешь смотреть за домом
твоим, и не
И увидишь, что семя твое
и отрасли твои, как
трава на земле.
во гроб
в зрелости, как
укладываются снопы пшеницы в
Proverbs 1:23
Обратитесь к моему обличению: вот, я изолью на вас дух мой, возвещу вам слова мои.
Proverbs 19:20
Слушайся совета и принимай обличение, чтобы сделаться тебе впоследствии мудрым.
Proverbs 15:12
Не любит распутный обличающих его, и к мудрым не пойдет.
Hebrews 12:1-13
свергнем с себя всякое бремя и запинающий нас грех ис терпением будем проходить предлежащее нампоприще,
взирая на начальника и совершителя веры Иисуса, Который, вместо предлежавшей Ему радости, претерпел крест, пренебрегши посрамление, и воссел одесную престола Божия.
Помыслите о Претерпевшем такое над Собою поругание отгрешников, чтобы вам не изнемочь и не ослабеть душами вашими.
Вы еще не до крови сражались, подвизаясьпротив греха,
и забыли утешение, которое предлагается вам, как сынам: сын мой! не пренебрегай наказания Господня, и не унывай, когда Он обличает тебя.
Ибо Господь, кого любит, того наказывает; бьет же всякого сына, которого принимает.
Если вы терпите наказание, то Бог поступает с вами, как с сынами. Ибо есть ли какой сын, которого бы не наказывал отец?
Если же остаетесь без наказания, которое всем обще,то вы незаконные дети, а не сыны.
Притом, если мы, будучи наказываемы плотскими родителями нашими, боялись их, то не гораздо ли более должны покориться Отцу духов, чтобы жить?
Те наказывали нас по своему произволу для немногихдней; а Сей – для пользы, чтобы нам иметь участие в святости Его.
Всякое наказание в настоящее времякажется не радостью, а печалью; но после наученным через него доставляет мирный плод праведности.
Итак укрепите опустившиеся руки и ослабевшие колени
и ходите прямо ногами вашими, дабы хромлющее не совратилось, а лучше исправилось.
Обратитесь к моему обличению: вот, я изолью на вас дух мой, возвещу вам слова мои.
Proverbs 19:20
Слушайся совета и принимай обличение, чтобы сделаться тебе впоследствии мудрым.
Proverbs 15:12
Не любит распутный обличающих его, и к мудрым не пойдет.
Hebrews 12:1-13
свергнем с себя всякое бремя и запинающий нас грех ис терпением будем проходить предлежащее нампоприще,
взирая на начальника и совершителя веры Иисуса, Который, вместо предлежавшей Ему радости, претерпел крест, пренебрегши посрамление, и воссел одесную престола Божия.
Помыслите о Претерпевшем такое над Собою поругание отгрешников, чтобы вам не изнемочь и не ослабеть душами вашими.
Вы еще не до крови сражались, подвизаясьпротив греха,
и забыли утешение, которое предлагается вам, как сынам: сын мой! не пренебрегай наказания Господня, и не унывай, когда Он обличает тебя.
Ибо Господь, кого любит, того наказывает; бьет же всякого сына, которого принимает.
Если вы терпите наказание, то Бог поступает с вами, как с сынами. Ибо есть ли какой сын, которого бы не наказывал отец?
Если же остаетесь без наказания, которое всем обще,то вы незаконные дети, а не сыны.
Притом, если мы, будучи наказываемы плотскими родителями нашими, боялись их, то не гораздо ли более должны покориться Отцу духов, чтобы жить?
Те наказывали нас по своему произволу для немногихдней; а Сей – для пользы, чтобы нам иметь участие в святости Его.
Всякое наказание в настоящее времякажется не радостью, а печалью; но после наученным через него доставляет мирный плод праведности.
Итак укрепите опустившиеся руки и ослабевшие колени
и ходите прямо ногами вашими, дабы хромлющее не совратилось, а лучше исправилось.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dynamic Semester
This is the most dynamic semster I've ever had!

- walked through the valley of the shadow of death
- was afraid to be in Hell
- suffered silence
- was in poverty and in need
- fasted
- sinned a lot and repented often
- worried about future ways
- felt homesick
- created 4 songs
What things did I learn about God through all of these?
He is with me. (Ps. 23:4)
The Lord is longsuffering and merciful. (Ps. 103:8-13)

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