As I am reflecting on the last dreams that I had- majority of them were filled with running from bad people, killing and hurting others. Especially today, there was a cruel man who killed every one (from child to women). I was hiding in the clean waters of a sea or an ocean. He was looking for me. Then I escaped somehow.
Despite the dreams being so disturbing,
tomorrow I would like to have a communion and use the name of Jesus! It is in HIs name and in the power of His blood that I need protection, covering and refuge.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Beautitudes and mnemonics
August 28, 2009= 24 years old!!!!
I discovered by the grace of God, of course, the wonderful website: and based on the learned information, I memorized the Beatitudes using mnemonics.
(Matthew 5:3-10)
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted,
because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
P.S. I used the imagery association beweet spirits flying in heaven, but those who are ont he earth they mourn. But they are comforted by the meek, because meek are the missionaries who inherit the earth. I thought of animals because they hunger and thirst, they are filled by the merciful. Then I pictured the sequence of see and then do. (pure in heart see God and peacemakers). The persecuted are the sect that Orthodox calls Protestants, even though protestants are right.
That's really cool! ENJOY!
Thanks Michael for his great website.
I discovered by the grace of God, of course, the wonderful website: and based on the learned information, I memorized the Beatitudes using mnemonics.
(Matthew 5:3-10)
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted,
because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
P.S. I used the imagery association beweet spirits flying in heaven, but those who are ont he earth they mourn. But they are comforted by the meek, because meek are the missionaries who inherit the earth. I thought of animals because they hunger and thirst, they are filled by the merciful. Then I pictured the sequence of see and then do. (pure in heart see God and peacemakers). The persecuted are the sect that Orthodox calls Protestants, even though protestants are right.
That's really cool! ENJOY!
Thanks Michael for his great website.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Is God happy about me?
Another thought I had in prayer is that God is joyful and happy about us.
There are so many (including me) who think of God as sad and often angry. But, last night, I glimpsed on the reality that God rejoyces when we do something good, actions that gloriftying Him.
Is God happy?
Is God sad?
Is God angry?
What do you think?
There are so many (including me) who think of God as sad and often angry. But, last night, I glimpsed on the reality that God rejoyces when we do something good, actions that gloriftying Him.
Is God happy?
Is God sad?
Is God angry?
What do you think?
To be One
Last night around 9 pm I went to pray. One moment I heard the Lord, "What is one thing you want me to do for you?" Immediately, I cried out from my inmost being- to be one with Judy's community. I wanted to be one with them because I love each of them. It is ok with me to be humbly among them just like they are. Well, then the Lord pointed out that Jesus asked the same thing in John 17.
Even before that I read from Micah 4:6-7
"I will gather the lame, and assamble the outcast, and her whom I have afflicted.
And I will make the lame a remnant; and the sick, a strong nation..."
John 17:9,12,21, 23.
I have a request to make for them. I make no request for the world, but only for those whom you have given me, for they are that they may be one just as we are.
Let them all be one. Just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am with you, let them be in union with us.... so that they may be one just as we are, I in union with them and you with me, so that they may be perfectly united.
Even before that I read from Micah 4:6-7
"I will gather the lame, and assamble the outcast, and her whom I have afflicted.
And I will make the lame a remnant; and the sick, a strong nation..."
John 17:9,12,21, 23.
I have a request to make for them. I make no request for the world, but only for those whom you have given me, for they are that they may be one just as we are.
Let them all be one. Just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am with you, let them be in union with us.... so that they may be one just as we are, I in union with them and you with me, so that they may be perfectly united.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Trip to Russia? When?
Dear God,
I come before you this afternoon, saying "THANK YOU" for sending Hellen to talk to me. She spoke of the wisdom concerning the trip to Russia. She advised to wait, get married and after some months, go to Russia with Sam. For me to go after one year is not safe, because there is uncertainty with visa. So, Lord, I do come before You repenting, first of all, that I put it so high like it had to be done the eay I want. Secondly, I say, Lord, be Thy Way and In your Time. May You also give wisdom to Sam that our trip to Russia will be both good and best for both of us.
P.S. Joyce Meyer spoke on the issue of wanting something that we cannot imagine living without it. It is a lust. God gives freely His blessings and He is the one who opens the doors and the ways for His righteous people.
I come before you this afternoon, saying "THANK YOU" for sending Hellen to talk to me. She spoke of the wisdom concerning the trip to Russia. She advised to wait, get married and after some months, go to Russia with Sam. For me to go after one year is not safe, because there is uncertainty with visa. So, Lord, I do come before You repenting, first of all, that I put it so high like it had to be done the eay I want. Secondly, I say, Lord, be Thy Way and In your Time. May You also give wisdom to Sam that our trip to Russia will be both good and best for both of us.
P.S. Joyce Meyer spoke on the issue of wanting something that we cannot imagine living without it. It is a lust. God gives freely His blessings and He is the one who opens the doors and the ways for His righteous people.
Today was the first day of orientation for the incoming students at Anderson School of Theology. MaryAnn, Xen, Timmy, Nick and I led the worship this morning. I read a scripture from Acts 2: 17-19, 21. I would like to write down some notes I took during President James Edwards's speech.
We begin with the end in mind.
Lord will equip us with the resurrected power.
Choseness- pay the price day after day.
Blessed choseness by commitment.
Are you willing to go? Do you love Jesus?
You must protect choseness.
Consider that what is difficult.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
For work assignment I watched two documentary videos.
Here are the quotes I liked:
Here are the quotes I liked:
Photography - a front seat historyStill picture in front of you all the time
Monday, August 17, 2009
I woke this Monday morning and then I hear how the Holy Spirit calls me a virgin. He insturcted me to identify myself with a virgin. It is indeed so surprizing and it would not come to me on my own. I am happy to know that God desires to restore and ffinds a significance in a state of virginity for His purposes.
I also gave/ hid my Bible for one week. it is great, becuase then I will rediscover His word and will read with passion and greater understanding.
That's it for right now.
praise the Lord and lead not on your own understanding,
trust in the Lord at all times. He is reater than our thoughts and ways, He is above all.
I also gave/ hid my Bible for one week. it is great, becuase then I will rediscover His word and will read with passion and greater understanding.
That's it for right now.
praise the Lord and lead not on your own understanding,
trust in the Lord at all times. He is reater than our thoughts and ways, He is above all.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Holy Spirit
I woke up this morning with a prayer on my lips:
Annoint me with the Holy Spirit.

Throughout the day I thought about the Holy Spirit. At lunch hour, I said a prayer before the meal and when I uttered the words: Fill me with the Holy Spirit I felt a strong presence of the Lord.
And now as I sit in the library working on the project and listenning to TD. Jakes "Sacred Love Songs", I prayed: Let me think about You, Holy Spirit.
Father, Thank You for Your gift of the Holy Spirit. Help me to be filled and to overflow with His presence. Today Lord, extend Your hand and grant the Presence of the Holy Spirit into my life.

Renew and refresh through the annoing of the Holy Spirit.
I just want to write the things I percieved when Tara prayed for me on Sunday.
Jesus held the jar with oil and He let me drink from it. It was the balm of Gilead, anointing oil.
Then I saw that I used to threw the robe to another person (as if sharing the gospel) but then I threw the robe after their held it. But the Father instructed me to hold their hands, just as He holds mine all the time.
I don't fully remeber but there was the moment when my fingers were given teh poer to do miracles. I was surprized and decided to study it more and believe too. How can miracles be through me? The work of God can !!!!!
Jesus held the jar with oil and He let me drink from it. It was the balm of Gilead, anointing oil.
Then I saw that I used to threw the robe to another person (as if sharing the gospel) but then I threw the robe after their held it. But the Father instructed me to hold their hands, just as He holds mine all the time.
I don't fully remeber but there was the moment when my fingers were given teh poer to do miracles. I was surprized and decided to study it more and believe too. How can miracles be through me? The work of God can !!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Goals to accomplish
Work... Linda talked to me about the need and importance of taking driving license.
Lord, this is the goals I need to accomplish:
driving license
renew my passport and visa.
Love You, Lord.
Lord, this is the goals I need to accomplish:
driving license
renew my passport and visa.
Love You, Lord.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Healing and Deliverance
on Sunday Sam and I went to the Full Gospel Assembly for an evening service.
The preacher spoke on the word of God. The Lord reminded Sam two dreams/visions that he had before. There was also a time of praying where Sam prayed for me and I prayed for the vision and that there would be no evil, bitter root in me.
As we were driving back, Sam shared a powerful message of the vision. He was protecting a girl and thus batteling four demons. One demon stacked him with a knife on a back, but Sam overcomed them all anyway.
We stopped by Phil and Tara. There we had communion. Wonderful time! Shared visions, dreams. I told them about the physical state I was in lately and then we prayed. That night the Lord delivered me from four demons: spirit of abandonment, fear, control and idolatry. It was a battle. Tara kept saying a" Complete Work in Christ". The strongest root was idolatry related to the Koran and the prayers over me with those words. Then there was an outburst of a longing for the word of God.
All for the Word of God!!!!!!!! We stayed talking till the morning hours.
It was a healing.
However, on Monday Sam and I encountered some struggle. I felt like something I was supposed to do was not done and we overstepped our boundaries. WE also had a time of converstaions!!! I shared with him about Son Gun and Nick. He held me like a baby and gave his love in return.
But, the point is that there is a task- to be filled with the word of God and to withstand and overcome any attempt of the enemy to return or bring over spirits.The Goliath is dead!!!!! The root is taking out, the Lord You fill it with Your divine , precisous Word.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Prayer + Vision
Yesterday was a good day. I worked in the library, then helped Xen to water flowers, then Judy called and we went to have free dinner. After that we went to the Mall, prayed a little and Judy received a gift. We met Jamy and Phil there and agreed to meet at my place for prayer.
We started out so dry. Just in obedience and perseverance continued praying. At one moment Jamy and I began praying in toungues and then I saw a vision.

I felt the emotions of a person who looked on a vast desert. There was such desperation, hopelesnes, despair...I knew that the Lord's presence was there but the person whom I felt did not know that. Then in tears I continued pray in tongues. I shared that with people.
I saw from above a procession of people through the desert. There were dressed in white and glorious clothes; that immediately got me thinking their clothes are not for the desert. They had joy and in unity they walked through that desert. That person whom I felt at first was surprised and had lots of questions. The people who walked : in front I saw a woman dressed in white dress. I shared that vision with people.
We read Isaiah 35 and Isaiah 40.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Prayer Walk and International Prayer
Dear Heavenly Lord, How Awesome and Amazing You are.
Today we did a prayer walk in Jakson Park (a Black community). There we prayed for young boys (10 and 11 years old), saw a sign of a T-shirt that represented Holy Spirit, Hands in Prayer and the Chains/ Shakels loosed from them. The whole trip was wonderful; Jamy visited his dad and other friends; I spent time with Klayton (Karen's boy), etc. As soon as we came back, Moreblessing and I met for prayer. It was our first prayer on Thursday at 8 pm. It was so great: His presence was there!!!! We cried, thanked Him, repented, read the Word about giving even in our extreme poverty (2 Corinthians 8 and Mark 12: 41). Glory to God for His wonderful works.
Lord, I Long to see more of You and dwell and move with Your Spirit. May Your word fill us richly. Bring all of us together in love and in persistancy for Your gospel.
Love You, Lord Jesus, Father and the Holy Spirit
Today we did a prayer walk in Jakson Park (a Black community). There we prayed for young boys (10 and 11 years old), saw a sign of a T-shirt that represented Holy Spirit, Hands in Prayer and the Chains/ Shakels loosed from them. The whole trip was wonderful; Jamy visited his dad and other friends; I spent time with Klayton (Karen's boy), etc. As soon as we came back, Moreblessing and I met for prayer. It was our first prayer on Thursday at 8 pm. It was so great: His presence was there!!!! We cried, thanked Him, repented, read the Word about giving even in our extreme poverty (2 Corinthians 8 and Mark 12: 41). Glory to God for His wonderful works.
Lord, I Long to see more of You and dwell and move with Your Spirit. May Your word fill us richly. Bring all of us together in love and in persistancy for Your gospel.
Love You, Lord Jesus, Father and the Holy Spirit
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