Just for the record.
God is moving with Great power right now.
He has done a work in my heart to the point that the Heaven and Hell are true realities. He has willed to let me know that I am a burning bush on campus, a leader and a prophet. The Lord enables to have compassion for the lost.
My eyes are more open to see the darkness around the campus in order to pray.
I love the Lord,
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Lord is good and His love endures forever. Amen.
Early in the morning I had two disturbing dreams. They are not from the Lord, yet they protrayed an enemy work against godly people.
In the first dream I was in a waiting position (summer) in a quiet place. Then I observed a big red truck came (strange men inside). for the longest part I did not see him and continued to enjoy my waiting period in the sun. Then from the left turn come another vehicle with more people and their faces looked terrible. I realized they were easy to kill. So here it ws winter and I am running away from them. In my dream I found a safe place that I was heading to (the room in the apartment). I thought that people should lock their doors.
My next dream involved Sam and a young girl. I came to a house to see Sam. I sensed the awful satanic presence in that house. That I did not even want to step in. So told one or two people to tell Sam that I am here to see him. While they left to tell Sam, I was with a young girl. At first she seemed religious, but then I understood some occultic and evil presence in her. So I spoke into her: "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus becuase I wan to speak truth to you." I prayed for her that she would repent. Then she left, but Sam did not come out (I thought maybe those guys tried to kill him).
So, as you could see the dreams were disturbing. Then I realized that today in Washington D.C., there is a Muslim march. They are praying and fasting.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that those people who are captured in their mind by Muslim religion, I pray that you would lead them to repentance today. Lord, may young and old turn their hearts to hear the truth. Father, I pray fr divince protection and refuge upon Your beloved people accross the United States. May peace and righteousness cover this earth.
Early in the morning I had two disturbing dreams. They are not from the Lord, yet they protrayed an enemy work against godly people.
In the first dream I was in a waiting position (summer) in a quiet place. Then I observed a big red truck came (strange men inside). for the longest part I did not see him and continued to enjoy my waiting period in the sun. Then from the left turn come another vehicle with more people and their faces looked terrible. I realized they were easy to kill. So here it ws winter and I am running away from them. In my dream I found a safe place that I was heading to (the room in the apartment). I thought that people should lock their doors.
My next dream involved Sam and a young girl. I came to a house to see Sam. I sensed the awful satanic presence in that house. That I did not even want to step in. So told one or two people to tell Sam that I am here to see him. While they left to tell Sam, I was with a young girl. At first she seemed religious, but then I understood some occultic and evil presence in her. So I spoke into her: "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus becuase I wan to speak truth to you." I prayed for her that she would repent. Then she left, but Sam did not come out (I thought maybe those guys tried to kill him).
So, as you could see the dreams were disturbing. Then I realized that today in Washington D.C., there is a Muslim march. They are praying and fasting.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that those people who are captured in their mind by Muslim religion, I pray that you would lead them to repentance today. Lord, may young and old turn their hearts to hear the truth. Father, I pray fr divince protection and refuge upon Your beloved people accross the United States. May peace and righteousness cover this earth.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Seducing spirit in the dream
I have not slept this night (maybe the coffee effect). However, sometimes in the early morning/night I dreamed of me trying to look on the internet sexual content material. I could not find any but there was an evil desire. When I awoke, I immediately prayed, "Holy Spirit, forgive me. I ask the blood of Jesus cover me." I was reminded of the scripture that the pure in heart will see God and I do want to see and be with God. He is awesome! I relaized that it was an enemy attack on me, seducing spirit. Well, before I arose from the bed at 6:30, the Holy Spirit said that I have to be careful, the satan is like a lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter). I read two letters of Peter. Then I came to work and received a note from N. Harrison saying that he is leaving to S. Carolina in October and he wants to talk to me. Of course, I refuzed his invitation to be friends on facebook.
Oh, now I understand.
My dream has to do with computer and seducing spirit. Well, it was a note on Facebook from N.Harrison who has a seducing spirit.
Thank You , Dear Lord for warning me.
Be with me 24/7 by Your lovely Holy Spirit.
Oh, now I understand.
My dream has to do with computer and seducing spirit. Well, it was a note on Facebook from N.Harrison who has a seducing spirit.
Thank You , Dear Lord for warning me.
Be with me 24/7 by Your lovely Holy Spirit.
Yesterday I talked to Sam on the phone. I shared with him an interesting conversation I had at church. This elderly men asked me, "Where is your husband?" I told him, "My boyfriend is in Indiana University." He continued, "I thought you told me he was your husband."
Well, Sam shared his story too. He said, "The other day I was talking to Jeff (his roommate) and I said, "My fiance."
We were both happy and surprized!!!
God is good.
He plans to come in October.
Well, Sam shared his story too. He said, "The other day I was talking to Jeff (his roommate) and I said, "My fiance."
We were both happy and surprized!!!
God is good.
He plans to come in October.
Psychics versus prophets
Last night I was listenning some teaching by Bill Johnson. He was speaking concerning the psychics versus God's prophets. It was interesting to hear his arguments that God has revelation (future), but psyhics know only knowledge (past and present). The demonds do not know future, but they operate on the soul knowledge of past and present.
I would not write about this unless today in the Herald Bulletin I read the artice "Spirit Festival draws psychics to Chesterfield." Well, pretty incredible. The psychics are popular but I pray that people will be drawn to the wisdom of God, not of men and devils.
There we go...
I would not write about this unless today in the Herald Bulletin I read the artice "Spirit Festival draws psychics to Chesterfield." Well, pretty incredible. The psychics are popular but I pray that people will be drawn to the wisdom of God, not of men and devils.
There we go...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Yesterday (Sept. 18) I made a list of scriptures on ASKING.
Today (Sept 19), Chuck Pierce has a prophetic word on ASKING (Go to www.elijahlist.com)
In addition, Sam sent me a text that was corresponding that prophetic word right in the midst of my reading. "Knock Knock. Who is this? Love you. Studying music history."
So, it is all connected and amazing!
God is good all the time!
Today (Sept 19), Chuck Pierce has a prophetic word on ASKING (Go to www.elijahlist.com)
In addition, Sam sent me a text that was corresponding that prophetic word right in the midst of my reading. "Knock Knock. Who is this? Love you. Studying music history."
So, it is all connected and amazing!
God is good all the time!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sammy and me
Moreblessing asked me how is Sam. She was wondering when was the last time we saw each other. I told her that it was just lst Sunday (three days ago). She was really happy about that. I told her I cried a lot when we were togehter. She asked me, "What did he do?" I said, "He kissed my teary eyes. Oh, Sam is sweet!"
Then she said, "You shoudl get marry! I want to come to your wedding." I said, "You do?" She answered, "I want to give you the gift DVD "Marriage by Design." Then Moreblessing encouraged that we should speak by faith about marriage, our future husband. Oh, it was so sweet to hear that! Now, I just recieved a message from my Samushka: "I will pray. Good to hear about your day. Mine went well. I got a few things done. paid my rent. I love you. Enjoy your evening too my darling."
This is how sweet our Lord Jesus! Thank You Daddy for Sammy and our relationship! Your goodness speaks better than words, becuase we see Your hands and love each day.
Yours faithfully,
Then she said, "You shoudl get marry! I want to come to your wedding." I said, "You do?" She answered, "I want to give you the gift DVD "Marriage by Design." Then Moreblessing encouraged that we should speak by faith about marriage, our future husband. Oh, it was so sweet to hear that! Now, I just recieved a message from my Samushka: "I will pray. Good to hear about your day. Mine went well. I got a few things done. paid my rent. I love you. Enjoy your evening too my darling."
This is how sweet our Lord Jesus! Thank You Daddy for Sammy and our relationship! Your goodness speaks better than words, becuase we see Your hands and love each day.
Yours faithfully,
Let me update you on what's happening now.
Lots of challenges with accusation, separation, abandonment and so forth. Even the enemy used me to create a disturbance in the relationships. It has been challengening, just as I said.
On the other hand, the Spirit of God is present and He is working mightily. Praise the Lord. He is teaching to trust the Lord and not to rely on the people for favor and acceptance.

Thirdly, my mom returned from the trip to the Ukraine. Papa Oleg said that she is sick right now. I know that my mom will fight that disease in the name of Jesus Christ and it will be gone!!!! The enemy will have no place! He may try to create some circumstances, but just like Paul she will learn to be content and persevere. I am with her and love her. Bless you , my dear mother. We will pray for you.
I thought of sending her a package without even knowing what she is experiencing right now. May the Lord give wisdom and knowledge what to send that will be a blessing to her spirit, soul and mind. May Your love surround her every moment. No accusations!!!!!! Just love at all times.
I pray for the studies to grow and learn as much as I can. Lord, enable your servant to be successful in the studies at Seminary.
Yours Jesus,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hallelujah, the Lord is worthy!
He has been showing so much of His love. The intimacy with Him is sweeter than honey or other delicious things. Yesterday on Sunday 13, I went to see Sam at Bloomington. We spent at least 2 hours together. There was also our first time of worship at Full Gospel Assembly.
This week I hope to be indwelled by the SPIRIT of God. May the Spirit be my Strengthener, Counselor, Comforter, Guide, etc. Come, Holy Spirit in a new fresh way. May You increase and I decrease. Love you wholly and submissively
He has been showing so much of His love. The intimacy with Him is sweeter than honey or other delicious things. Yesterday on Sunday 13, I went to see Sam at Bloomington. We spent at least 2 hours together. There was also our first time of worship at Full Gospel Assembly.
This week I hope to be indwelled by the SPIRIT of God. May the Spirit be my Strengthener, Counselor, Comforter, Guide, etc. Come, Holy Spirit in a new fresh way. May You increase and I decrease. Love you wholly and submissively
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Psalm 91
Thank You Father,
Even though it is a blogger, but I come to You through the writing. Lord, may Your rest cover me tonight. I thought that my prayers and words to Elisa were a blessing, yet she left the apartment. Lord, I feel some guilt, but why???? Father, I choose to rest in You and trust that You will deal with us and bring the peace to our house and our relationship.
In the blood of Jesus, cover us.
In Your name, heal us.
Forgive my wrongdoings and shortcomings. If I sinned in any way, have mercy.
Cover me, daddy with Your protection. Becuase the enemy wants to rob my joy and peace. Father, I want to abide in Your shelter. Daddy, You are mighty and powerful! your ways are true and righteous! You are good! You are beloved!!! you love us so much!!!! I do love Elisa with my heart and am thankful for her presence.
Comfort and strengthen your servant in Jesus' mighty name.
I choose to rest in You today.
Daddy, You reign and I will just abide under Your wings. You reign, Oh Lord above my enemies and foes. Display Your kindess, mercy and greatness.
Who is there like You? you deserve praise and honor.
Daddy, thank you and in faith I confess and believe that you will be with me.
Your right hand upholds mine. Your word is my shield. remember, it is Your shield is faithfulness. "His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" (Psalm 91:4)
Rampart is a broad elevation raised as a fortification.
I already started to feel Your strength, Lord. The enemy will be silent by Your presence. Satan, You are defeated foe because of Christ's victory!!!! Halleluja!
I Love You Lord,
Mighty God.
Even though it is a blogger, but I come to You through the writing. Lord, may Your rest cover me tonight. I thought that my prayers and words to Elisa were a blessing, yet she left the apartment. Lord, I feel some guilt, but why???? Father, I choose to rest in You and trust that You will deal with us and bring the peace to our house and our relationship.
In the blood of Jesus, cover us.
In Your name, heal us.
Forgive my wrongdoings and shortcomings. If I sinned in any way, have mercy.
Cover me, daddy with Your protection. Becuase the enemy wants to rob my joy and peace. Father, I want to abide in Your shelter. Daddy, You are mighty and powerful! your ways are true and righteous! You are good! You are beloved!!! you love us so much!!!! I do love Elisa with my heart and am thankful for her presence.
Comfort and strengthen your servant in Jesus' mighty name.
I choose to rest in You today.
Daddy, You reign and I will just abide under Your wings. You reign, Oh Lord above my enemies and foes. Display Your kindess, mercy and greatness.
Who is there like You? you deserve praise and honor.
Daddy, thank you and in faith I confess and believe that you will be with me.
Your right hand upholds mine. Your word is my shield. remember, it is Your shield is faithfulness. "His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" (Psalm 91:4)
Rampart is a broad elevation raised as a fortification.
I already started to feel Your strength, Lord. The enemy will be silent by Your presence. Satan, You are defeated foe because of Christ's victory!!!! Halleluja!
I Love You Lord,
Mighty God.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Psalm 27
Priase God! There has been a lot of things, activities that happened during these time!
A wonderful dream of Angelic visiation and a warfare with a thief.
A delivery or encounter with Robin (Earth Ten commandments).
An invitation about singing at church. The following prayers and finding the team.
I am amazed at the glorious Lord and His ways.
I am thankful for the worship team that is raising up right now. May the Spirit of God be upon each of us. May we be used for God's purposes and at His time.
With Love,
PSALM 27!!!!
A wonderful dream of Angelic visiation and a warfare with a thief.
A delivery or encounter with Robin (Earth Ten commandments).
An invitation about singing at church. The following prayers and finding the team.
I am amazed at the glorious Lord and His ways.
I am thankful for the worship team that is raising up right now. May the Spirit of God be upon each of us. May we be used for God's purposes and at His time.
With Love,
PSALM 27!!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Rivers of living water
Last night (after drinking strong coffee around 9 pm) you can imagine how awake I was!!!! I could not got asleep until 3 30 in the morning. But Sometimes after 11 pm, the Holy Spirit spoke this scripture to my heart. And it got me thinking and searching for understanding.
John 7:37-39
Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as[a] the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.
You know I always thought that it spoke of the words of the Spirit coming out of the believers, but last night I stepped into an understanding that it could also mean the gifts of the Spirit (that ministers to other people).
But what amazing is that today on Elijahlist.com, there is an article called
"Wisdom and a Fresh Anointing of the Holy Spirit for New Seasons and New Beginnings" by Keith Miller.
He says,
A River of Wisdom is different. When I say a River, I'm talking about the perpetual flow of the Holy Spirit in the area of wisdom. O dear friends, how we need this now. My heart is to see God's precious people living out of the deepest part of the blessing of the Lord...to flow with all that He is in you. As you read this article, ask Him to fill you with all wisdom and understanding, for His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
The Bible in John 7:37-38 declares that out of your heart or belly will flow rivers of living water! Notice it declares rivers of living water. One of those rivers is the River of Wisdom! Let the River of Wisdom flow!
How cool is that!!!
John 7:37-39
Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as[a] the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.
You know I always thought that it spoke of the words of the Spirit coming out of the believers, but last night I stepped into an understanding that it could also mean the gifts of the Spirit (that ministers to other people).
But what amazing is that today on Elijahlist.com, there is an article called
"Wisdom and a Fresh Anointing of the Holy Spirit for New Seasons and New Beginnings" by Keith Miller.
He says,
A River of Wisdom is different. When I say a River, I'm talking about the perpetual flow of the Holy Spirit in the area of wisdom. O dear friends, how we need this now. My heart is to see God's precious people living out of the deepest part of the blessing of the Lord...to flow with all that He is in you. As you read this article, ask Him to fill you with all wisdom and understanding, for His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
The Bible in John 7:37-38 declares that out of your heart or belly will flow rivers of living water! Notice it declares rivers of living water. One of those rivers is the River of Wisdom! Let the River of Wisdom flow!
How cool is that!!!
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