Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
It has been a wonderful day!!!! Even though I have been wrong with certain things in relationship with Elisa: made her uncomfortable wiht my mom being there and Sam staying overnight few times. You made something painful and beautiful this night!!!! I could not describe, I only see the LIGHT of YOUR LOVE FOR US ALL.
Make this day be a testimony to us all that You are good and loving.
Please, remove any scars from our hearts and fill them with supernatural love of God.
I bless you, my sister friend.
May nothing makes you stumble.
Be an overcomer through it all.
In Jesus Sweet and Holy Name.
I forgive all who heard and participated in my relationship with Elisa. May You give us all peace and reconciliation.
It has been such a difficult week, but TODAY You made something glorious. Blessed be Your name.
I received a hundred dollars today.
Forgive me again Lord Jesus. Cover with Your pure and divine Blood, that overcomes an enemy.
I rest in Your love for me.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for speaking and teaching me throughout a long time. I wish we were able to keep Your words in our hearts, to remember Yur testimonies and to live in accordance with Your word.
Papa, I have to do a major paper for Biblical Foundation for Mission. There are two themes that are so connected, that I would like to write about: God's Faithfulness and His promises.
I ask You to give me words and knowledge to write. May it be for Your glory!!!!
Thank you so much for speaking and teaching me throughout a long time. I wish we were able to keep Your words in our hearts, to remember Yur testimonies and to live in accordance with Your word.
Papa, I have to do a major paper for Biblical Foundation for Mission. There are two themes that are so connected, that I would like to write about: God's Faithfulness and His promises.

Friday, November 20, 2009
thank you for Sam and Olga
I love the Lord Jesus Christ, such a LOVE, ASSURANCE AND FAITH in Him.
He is all that everybody needs. WIthout Him, life is meaningless and empty. He fills the life with true love and knowledge. I love Him dearly.
Thank you Father in heaven, for Samuel L. Green. It is him that You desired to unite and make us friends and lovers in truth. Thank you that yesterday, when the enemy tried to hinder my trust toward Sam, Samuel was so loving and supporting. I thank you for the love that is in his heart. Love you Sammy!!!!
Thank you dear Jesus, for my mom- Olga. There is no better mom like mine. She has been support and love to me and others. Today, I sat on her laps like a baby quietly. She spoke kindly and reassuring to me as well, because the enemy tried to hinder me by accusing of false things. I love you Lord, that You show Your love faithfully through others. May You bless her today in Jesus Name.
Thank you
He is all that everybody needs. WIthout Him, life is meaningless and empty. He fills the life with true love and knowledge. I love Him dearly.
Thank you Father in heaven, for Samuel L. Green. It is him that You desired to unite and make us friends and lovers in truth. Thank you that yesterday, when the enemy tried to hinder my trust toward Sam, Samuel was so loving and supporting. I thank you for the love that is in his heart. Love you Sammy!!!!
Thank you dear Jesus, for my mom- Olga. There is no better mom like mine. She has been support and love to me and others. Today, I sat on her laps like a baby quietly. She spoke kindly and reassuring to me as well, because the enemy tried to hinder me by accusing of false things. I love you Lord, that You show Your love faithfully through others. May You bless her today in Jesus Name.
Thank you
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food. (Proverbs 12:9)
Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil. (Proverbs 15:16)
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. (Proverbs 15:17)
Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice. (Proverbs 16:8)
Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. (Proverbs 16:19)
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. (Proverbs 17:1)
Better to meet a bear robber of her cubs than a fool in his folly. (Proverbs 17:12)
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse. (Proverbs 19:1)
Better to live on a croner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. (Proverbs 21:9)
Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife. (Proverbs 21:19)
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. 9Proverbs 25:24)
Better is open rebuke than hidden love. (Proverbs 27:5)
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse. (Proverbs 28:6)
Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil. (Proverbs 15:16)
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. (Proverbs 15:17)
Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice. (Proverbs 16:8)
Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. (Proverbs 16:19)
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. (Proverbs 17:1)
Better to meet a bear robber of her cubs than a fool in his folly. (Proverbs 17:12)
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse. (Proverbs 19:1)
Better to live on a croner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. (Proverbs 21:9)
Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife. (Proverbs 21:19)
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. 9Proverbs 25:24)
Better is open rebuke than hidden love. (Proverbs 27:5)
Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse. (Proverbs 28:6)
Сегодня Мне, Отцу, хочется говорить с тобой. Я созвал совет праведников и мы решили, что тебе нужно двигаться не широким путем, а узким. Часто мнохие думают, что они могут достичь людей ин огромных масштабах, забывая, всё, что они могут делать это делиться Евангелием, а остальная работа принадлежит Духу, Который всему советник.
Итак, ме решили, что тебя надо отградить от лишнего, чтобы твоя жизнь была посвящена узкой дороге к Господу. Люди будут следовать за тобой, но не так, как за известным лидером, а как за странником с доброй вестью. Там будут люди, которые уже познали узкий путь. Они будут с тобой!
Канал для родов узкий.Река течет узкой из глубины и широты водных озер.Слово, скаанное в двух словах намного драгоценнее, чем сто слов.
Научись жить жизнью в рамках узкой дороги! Тебе не нужны две кровати, три сумки и т.д. Чем меньше ты имеешь, тем лучше для души, иначе душа начинает чувствовать удовольство и позволяет себе все роскошество и избыток.
Ограничивай себя во сне, потому что лучше отдать свой сон ГОсподу, чем пронежиться в постели без бодрствования Духа.
Мне хочестя, чтобы Мой сосуд был совершенен, ко всякому доброму делу приготовлен. Когда люди посмотрют как ты живешь в маленьком избытке, они удивяться той радостью и верой, которые ты будешь преобладать, что многие последуют за тобой, отвергнув избытокй и довольство изобилия.
Я призвал тебя отдавать нуждающему, поэтому ты столько видела подарков в своей жизни. Не останавливайся в даяние! Мне даже не надо говорить что кому отдать, пусть твое сердве всегда будет готово отдать, лишая саму себя.
Если бы Мои люди жили таким образом, то они были более дружными, радостными и довольными друг другом.Не скудись ни в чем, касаемое даяния. Бог усмотрит твои нужды, тебе не надо волноваться и нести эти нужды. Доверь их первоначально Господу!
Итак, ме решили, что тебя надо отградить от лишнего, чтобы твоя жизнь была посвящена узкой дороге к Господу. Люди будут следовать за тобой, но не так, как за известным лидером, а как за странником с доброй вестью. Там будут люди, которые уже познали узкий путь. Они будут с тобой!
Канал для родов узкий.Река течет узкой из глубины и широты водных озер.Слово, скаанное в двух словах намного драгоценнее, чем сто слов.
Научись жить жизнью в рамках узкой дороги! Тебе не нужны две кровати, три сумки и т.д. Чем меньше ты имеешь, тем лучше для души, иначе душа начинает чувствовать удовольство и позволяет себе все роскошество и избыток.
Ограничивай себя во сне, потому что лучше отдать свой сон ГОсподу, чем пронежиться в постели без бодрствования Духа.
Мне хочестя, чтобы Мой сосуд был совершенен, ко всякому доброму делу приготовлен. Когда люди посмотрют как ты живешь в маленьком избытке, они удивяться той радостью и верой, которые ты будешь преобладать, что многие последуют за тобой, отвергнув избытокй и довольство изобилия.
Я призвал тебя отдавать нуждающему, поэтому ты столько видела подарков в своей жизни. Не останавливайся в даяние! Мне даже не надо говорить что кому отдать, пусть твое сердве всегда будет готово отдать, лишая саму себя.
Если бы Мои люди жили таким образом, то они были более дружными, радостными и довольными друг другом.Не скудись ни в чем, касаемое даяния. Бог усмотрит твои нужды, тебе не надо волноваться и нести эти нужды. Доверь их первоначально Господу!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
forest and flowers

Yesterday the Lord was amazing!!!!
The beginning of the story can go two days ago: I wished that someone would bring me flowers. That evening the Lord Jesus spoke to me saying that He wants to take me to the forest.
Well, yesterday my mom brought lots of flowers!!!! So many that I had an opportunity to leave two flowers in the library, give one to Elisa and still have a great bouequet. Great is our God!!!
Secondly, Samushka called last night sharing the dreams that he had. We were in the forest. There were lightenings of thunder, so he took me to a big tree, then to the house with metal doors. Inside the house, it was very couzy and warm. We laughed and enjoed our time. He made me a bed, Xen was with us lughing and sitting on the couch. But when we were still in the forest Sam cried out to God: "Send your angels! Send Your angels!!!" The lightening struck just 2 feet away from me but I jumped.

Today is a new day: His mercies are new every morning. My mom and I held a fast since last evening. Lord, You are the ruler!!! I worship You! May Your spirit and presence of love indwell the hearts of your people. Father, I pray that TODAY You will show us where my mom will live and we will move her there successfully. Father, may You spend Great time with Your son Sam, teach him Your precious word, may he be an encouragement to others and protect him from evil. love YOU
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Praise the LORD! Praise and Honor to His Holy Name!
I rejoice today, because His joy gave me strength! I am no longer overwhelmed with the load of work and responsibilities; I laught at them!!!! God is able and He is my help.
Tomorrow, I need to go on a fast.
The enemy hates the fast, becuase the Christians receive a spiritual wepaon as they do against the devil's work. Two students approached me about fasting together. Until they decide on the day, Lord help me to fast.
Love you Lord!!
I want to spend more time with You and tell you about the love!!!!
It is so awesome to seek You and spend time in Your presence.
Help us to draw nearer to You and seek You with all our hearts and strength!!!!
Indwell us with Your presence.
Thank you so much.
I love you, Lord!!!!
I rejoice today, because His joy gave me strength! I am no longer overwhelmed with the load of work and responsibilities; I laught at them!!!! God is able and He is my help.
Tomorrow, I need to go on a fast.
The enemy hates the fast, becuase the Christians receive a spiritual wepaon as they do against the devil's work. Two students approached me about fasting together. Until they decide on the day, Lord help me to fast.
Love you Lord!!
I want to spend more time with You and tell you about the love!!!!
It is so awesome to seek You and spend time in Your presence.
Help us to draw nearer to You and seek You with all our hearts and strength!!!!
Indwell us with Your presence.
Thank you so much.
I love you, Lord!!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Creative studying and homework. How to do it?
Hello and good afternoon!!!
I really like when the studying of material stimulates the creative work. It is a joy to read an article "Popular Notions of the Missionary Task in a Post-Missionary Era" by Matthew Price, who tries to find an aswer to the question whether missionaries destory or preserve culture. In order to do so, Price looked at three well-known novels of the twentieth century. As I am reading this material, I am fascinating with the sense of discovery, larning something new, and drive for creativity. Praise the Lord.
I wish that all my teaching and learning experiences were like that: filled with information that enhances creativity.
How can a teacher or a professor make his or her class more creative? It is not what book to read, but about connecting the information with an act of creativity. For example, find a song of a specific time period or genre that would depict this theme more clearly... How are theologians portrayed in the movies, books, etc? Find a bibliography of a person (history) that you find similar experience in your life. What an event is it?
We watched the movie "Luther" for Church history and are obligated to write a paper about 95 Thesis. Everyone really enjoyed the movie. But how are we going to write the assignment that will convey the sense of appreaciation, discoveries and interest in what Luther had accmplished by the 95 Thesis? I ask the Holy Spirit to give us, students, a new fresh insight and understaninding, filled with the creative work and patience to bring this paper into a more art work that just an academic paper. (Maybe we could concentrate on the usage of words: intentioanlly, to bring about the certain words and expressions...or maybe we could ask ourselves who else in the history wrote something public that tranformed the culture and the society of that period?)
The discoveries were usually made when a person tried to look on a problem from so many directions and connect the pieces were otherwise seemed unconnectable. So, get excited and prepared to create something really great
May God be with you. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and favor for your tasks.
I really like when the studying of material stimulates the creative work. It is a joy to read an article "Popular Notions of the Missionary Task in a Post-Missionary Era" by Matthew Price, who tries to find an aswer to the question whether missionaries destory or preserve culture. In order to do so, Price looked at three well-known novels of the twentieth century. As I am reading this material, I am fascinating with the sense of discovery, larning something new, and drive for creativity. Praise the Lord.
I wish that all my teaching and learning experiences were like that: filled with information that enhances creativity.
How can a teacher or a professor make his or her class more creative? It is not what book to read, but about connecting the information with an act of creativity. For example, find a song of a specific time period or genre that would depict this theme more clearly... How are theologians portrayed in the movies, books, etc? Find a bibliography of a person (history) that you find similar experience in your life. What an event is it?
We watched the movie "Luther" for Church history and are obligated to write a paper about 95 Thesis. Everyone really enjoyed the movie. But how are we going to write the assignment that will convey the sense of appreaciation, discoveries and interest in what Luther had accmplished by the 95 Thesis? I ask the Holy Spirit to give us, students, a new fresh insight and understaninding, filled with the creative work and patience to bring this paper into a more art work that just an academic paper. (Maybe we could concentrate on the usage of words: intentioanlly, to bring about the certain words and expressions...or maybe we could ask ourselves who else in the history wrote something public that tranformed the culture and the society of that period?)
The discoveries were usually made when a person tried to look on a problem from so many directions and connect the pieces were otherwise seemed unconnectable. So, get excited and prepared to create something really great
May God be with you. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and favor for your tasks.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Time has come?

I had an interesting dream. In it, I received a phone call from Sam. He said that time has come (meaning for an engagement). He said it two times. I felt very happy and thought of it in the morning hour. When will it happen? The Lord knows and He will guide Sam in the time that is best. I am just going to dream and wait, trusting the Lord.

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