Patty prophesied yesterday CREATIVITY AND WISDOM! I heard the Lord speak to me of FREEDOM.
Today I woke up, Samuel greeted me with lots of great messages. I was encouraged. The Lord strengthened. Now I am going to work hard on my homeworks and even in advance.
*memorize 2 Corinthians 4
* read and write the paper for Strege (March 1)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Dream Interpretation
One of my desires lately has ben to learn dream interpretation! The Lord gives me prophetic dreams, and there is need to know how to interpret them. Also, I want to be able to help others to understand their dreams.
I was listenning to the CD on prophetic minsiters, he said to read the Bible accounts where God gave dreams and how they interpreted. That's a good start!!! I believe the Lord will open the door to understand dreams for His glory!
Judy shared with me the dream that Pauline had. She was squizing mices that had glasses. Those mices looked also like people. We are puzzled right now, but God can open the mysteries!
I was listenning to the CD on prophetic minsiters, he said to read the Bible accounts where God gave dreams and how they interpreted. That's a good start!!! I believe the Lord will open the door to understand dreams for His glory!
Judy shared with me the dream that Pauline had. She was squizing mices that had glasses. Those mices looked also like people. We are puzzled right now, but God can open the mysteries!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Financial provision
One of the last prophetic dreams that I had was going into a storehouse. Just before the entrance to it, the spirit of witchcraft approached me, but I rebuked it in Jesus name. he ran from the back of the building into the storehouse, but I perceived. So as soon as I saw him at the store, I bombarded him with the words, "Come out in teh naem of Jesus." That man was delivered from the spirit, but he did not listen to my wrning to be fillied with the Holy Spirit and have Jesus in his heart, he showed me his back waslking away. However, there was another woman who was bothering what I was saying of the Lord. I realized that the words won't do with her, so I started singing "El Shadai" (God more than enough) adn all the people in that storehouse picked up that song and sang it with a beautiful and joyful unity. After that we sand another joyful song of praise unto the Lord with dances. I saw Sam at the door well dressed up and was about to ask him to sing.
Just now, I realized that this dream shows that God is pouring out His blessings financial into my life (and Sams). The people who sang that song so in unity were the choir of angels. Storehouse is God's provision. Both Sam and me received financial blessings lately. Annonimously I recived 25 dollars through MaryAnnHawkins, Sam recieved $35 from Fritz and $20 from Cindy. Isn't our God good!!!!! Father, I pray for wisdom!!!!
Thank You, Daddy in heaven, for Yours blessings!!!!! It came from You, You are my El Shaddai! The name El Shaddai indicates all sufficiency, fruitfullness and noursishment. That day when I dreamed of that song in the storehouse, my friend Priscilla was playing the song "El Shaddai."
P.S. I just remember that yesterday Sally said, 'let me know when you are going to Russia, I want to do something for you. Not so much maybe 10 dollars..." Thank You Father for Sally and her willingness to bless me in due time. Love You, Lord.
AS I talked to Sam last night, he told me that there is a loan available for him. Even through this the Lord supplies for our needs. God is so good! We see Your hand of supply and priotection, favor and sufficiency. Love you!
A continuation:
On Friday (Febraury 26), I received $212.50 from Anderson University, I believe it is a deposit returned.
I encourage Sam in giving even out of his account, so GOD can start poruing into. Father, as we give to You and to Your kingdom, please bless Samuel with a job at Waffle House. May he be a blessing to them. Also, Father, bless him financially so that he can sing at churches and other opprotunities. Jesus, as he walks today, open the doors for him in faith. Thank you for the perfect time and giving him a job. Teach us to give to You wholeheartedly. You supply all of our needs. May even people be surprized seeing the financial provision that You are pouring into our lives.
Just now, I realized that this dream shows that God is pouring out His blessings financial into my life (and Sams). The people who sang that song so in unity were the choir of angels. Storehouse is God's provision. Both Sam and me received financial blessings lately. Annonimously I recived 25 dollars through MaryAnnHawkins, Sam recieved $35 from Fritz and $20 from Cindy. Isn't our God good!!!!! Father, I pray for wisdom!!!!
Thank You, Daddy in heaven, for Yours blessings!!!!! It came from You, You are my El Shaddai! The name El Shaddai indicates all sufficiency, fruitfullness and noursishment. That day when I dreamed of that song in the storehouse, my friend Priscilla was playing the song "El Shaddai."
P.S. I just remember that yesterday Sally said, 'let me know when you are going to Russia, I want to do something for you. Not so much maybe 10 dollars..." Thank You Father for Sally and her willingness to bless me in due time. Love You, Lord.
AS I talked to Sam last night, he told me that there is a loan available for him. Even through this the Lord supplies for our needs. God is so good! We see Your hand of supply and priotection, favor and sufficiency. Love you!
A continuation:
On Friday (Febraury 26), I received $212.50 from Anderson University, I believe it is a deposit returned.
I encourage Sam in giving even out of his account, so GOD can start poruing into. Father, as we give to You and to Your kingdom, please bless Samuel with a job at Waffle House. May he be a blessing to them. Also, Father, bless him financially so that he can sing at churches and other opprotunities. Jesus, as he walks today, open the doors for him in faith. Thank you for the perfect time and giving him a job. Teach us to give to You wholeheartedly. You supply all of our needs. May even people be surprized seeing the financial provision that You are pouring into our lives.
Father, continued his financial outpouring on us this weekend (March 6-8). Praise God for the car, a wedding cake and money for the service. Love you Lord
Yes, Samuel Green proposed me to marry him on Sunday night/ Early Monday morning. On February 22, 2010 I was engaged to him.
God has brought the new forth!!! I feel peace and even more desire to go the narrow way rather than the broad way. It is obvious that engaged couples have greater risk of keeping themselves pure, but the Spirit of God wants us to be pure and not be sexually involved before marriage.
With this great news comes a responsibility, to live holy!!!!!
God has brought the new forth!!! I feel peace and even more desire to go the narrow way rather than the broad way. It is obvious that engaged couples have greater risk of keeping themselves pure, but the Spirit of God wants us to be pure and not be sexually involved before marriage.
With this great news comes a responsibility, to live holy!!!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
old is gone, new is coming
We had an awesome time of prayer and intercession last evening. After that I went to Tara's house, shared my dreams and we ate pizza and watched iceskating.
Last night I also experienced a huge pain relating to Sam. I thought of not talking to him until face to face. No more words, but love that is evident in action and pursuit. My heart is still bitter and angry, but I try not to dwell on those thoughts. God is doing a new thing that He showed me in the dream, but the old has to die!!!! God cannot build a new things without removing the old!
"forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19
God is able to bring forth the engagement betweem me and Sam. We are not to conintinue our boyfirne/girlfriend relationship being stagnant. Sam, himself desires a new thing, rather the old stagnation. However, I am not trusting in Sam to move forward but in God who makes all things new.
Lord gave me a dream just before all these turmoil in our relationship started to happen. The Lord knows and He is with us. If we are to die to our old relationship, may the Lord bring forth the new soon.
"The Lord said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land." Exodus 3:7-8
Lord God, You saw the stufferings and the pain the Israelites felt in their relationship with Egyptians. The Egyptians had a superior position, they mastered over them (the slaves). The children of Israel could not voice their pain to the masters of Egypt, but they cried out to You, the Living God and You heard them and acted on their behalf. Now, just the same, I feel like a slave who was mastered by the will and desire of Sam. My life became insignificant in his sight. I feel pain and rejection, but Lord knowing of who You are and what You can do, I trust in Your deliverance on my behalf. Blessings to Your name, Jehovah.
"The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: 'When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth." 2 Samuel 23:3-4
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 It is interesting that Jesus said we are the light of the world not by our words that we say, but by our good actions!!!! Let's say a person says nice and right words, but we notice that his words are not in agreement with actions. This situation will not create in us a desire to praise God the Father in heaven on their behalf as a witness of true light. On the contrary, we would feel rejection, hypocrasy, lies etc. That is why the Lord Jesus said may your light shines before every person that that may observe the good deeds and praise the Father in heaven.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, lord, did we not prophecy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'" Matthew 7:21-23 See in the economy of God, He wants us to act in His ways and in the will of God, we on the other hand, like to talk the talk that appers to the hearers as sweet speach and lovely words. I feel the pain of hearing the words and not seeing the actions.
Last night I also experienced a huge pain relating to Sam. I thought of not talking to him until face to face. No more words, but love that is evident in action and pursuit. My heart is still bitter and angry, but I try not to dwell on those thoughts. God is doing a new thing that He showed me in the dream, but the old has to die!!!! God cannot build a new things without removing the old!
"forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19
God is able to bring forth the engagement betweem me and Sam. We are not to conintinue our boyfirne/girlfriend relationship being stagnant. Sam, himself desires a new thing, rather the old stagnation. However, I am not trusting in Sam to move forward but in God who makes all things new.
Lord gave me a dream just before all these turmoil in our relationship started to happen. The Lord knows and He is with us. If we are to die to our old relationship, may the Lord bring forth the new soon.
"The Lord said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land." Exodus 3:7-8
Lord God, You saw the stufferings and the pain the Israelites felt in their relationship with Egyptians. The Egyptians had a superior position, they mastered over them (the slaves). The children of Israel could not voice their pain to the masters of Egypt, but they cried out to You, the Living God and You heard them and acted on their behalf. Now, just the same, I feel like a slave who was mastered by the will and desire of Sam. My life became insignificant in his sight. I feel pain and rejection, but Lord knowing of who You are and what You can do, I trust in Your deliverance on my behalf. Blessings to Your name, Jehovah.
"The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: 'When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth." 2 Samuel 23:3-4
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 It is interesting that Jesus said we are the light of the world not by our words that we say, but by our good actions!!!! Let's say a person says nice and right words, but we notice that his words are not in agreement with actions. This situation will not create in us a desire to praise God the Father in heaven on their behalf as a witness of true light. On the contrary, we would feel rejection, hypocrasy, lies etc. That is why the Lord Jesus said may your light shines before every person that that may observe the good deeds and praise the Father in heaven.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, lord, did we not prophecy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'" Matthew 7:21-23 See in the economy of God, He wants us to act in His ways and in the will of God, we on the other hand, like to talk the talk that appers to the hearers as sweet speach and lovely words. I feel the pain of hearing the words and not seeing the actions.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
a student on campus
I have been seeing this student so often around the campus. He was the one, the Spirit of the Lord prompted me to pray and to witness to him about Jesus. There is a homosexual spirit or something like that. It is time to pray for him again and believe that God wants to touch him and to save by the blood of Jesus. Father, may he hear Your word and repent.
What shall I do concerning this young fellow who is lost right now and lives in sin?
To Pray More than just one homosexual, pray for the whole group, a coomunity on campus.
What shall I do concerning this young fellow who is lost right now and lives in sin?
To Pray More than just one homosexual, pray for the whole group, a coomunity on campus.
Last night the Lord gave dream (about a huge fish and me like a pet) and I had a converstaion with my roommate. We shared communion and a cup of hot tea.
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, I come before you in faith to your son Jesus Christ and to your Holy Word. There is something going on with Samuel, that I am not aware of, but You know. Instead of being anxious about his state and condition, I pray to You now. Will You come into his heart today with peace that is above our circumstances and understanding. May You penetrate his mind with the love of God, peace and Your word. Whatever troubles him, I ask You to put it on the altar. May Your consuming fire take away the worries from his heart. I repent if there is anyt hindrance because of unrepented sin. May your Blood wash him today and make his new and clean. By Your grace we are not perished but are called to the fellowship with You, O Lord. And I pray for my heart concerning this situation. Help me to trust You, Lord and remain stadfst and thankful. Protect our minds in Christ JEsus from any turbulance or unbelief. I Thank You for What You are doing in our mids. Blessed be Your name. Your peace which transcends my understanding, guards my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, I come before you in faith to your son Jesus Christ and to your Holy Word. There is something going on with Samuel, that I am not aware of, but You know. Instead of being anxious about his state and condition, I pray to You now. Will You come into his heart today with peace that is above our circumstances and understanding. May You penetrate his mind with the love of God, peace and Your word. Whatever troubles him, I ask You to put it on the altar. May Your consuming fire take away the worries from his heart. I repent if there is anyt hindrance because of unrepented sin. May your Blood wash him today and make his new and clean. By Your grace we are not perished but are called to the fellowship with You, O Lord. And I pray for my heart concerning this situation. Help me to trust You, Lord and remain stadfst and thankful. Protect our minds in Christ JEsus from any turbulance or unbelief. I Thank You for What You are doing in our mids. Blessed be Your name. Your peace which transcends my understanding, guards my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fourth watch
Thanks and Praise to the Lord God Almighty, Who is Seated in the Heavenly Places.
On February 15 (Monday), the Lord gave me a dream about the ring and perfect love at 3 am in the morning. The next day, I was puzzled between the third and the fourth watches, which one God is directing me to. Today, February 17 (Wednesday), I woke up at 5 am with praises on my lips and my mind unto Jesus. It was so intense and sweet and peaceful. I raised few prayers and went to sleep and woke up at 6 am and then later for work.
Well, today I am going to put an a larm clock for 3 am and by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit we will watch!!!! Father, may the blood of Jesus be my protection this night and please let Your Holy Spirit guide me. I love you. Thank you so much!!!!! I think I need to go and get a juice and have communion prior going to bed. God is blessed and praised!!!!
On February 15 (Monday), the Lord gave me a dream about the ring and perfect love at 3 am in the morning. The next day, I was puzzled between the third and the fourth watches, which one God is directing me to. Today, February 17 (Wednesday), I woke up at 5 am with praises on my lips and my mind unto Jesus. It was so intense and sweet and peaceful. I raised few prayers and went to sleep and woke up at 6 am and then later for work.
Well, today I am going to put an a larm clock for 3 am and by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit we will watch!!!! Father, may the blood of Jesus be my protection this night and please let Your Holy Spirit guide me. I love you. Thank you so much!!!!! I think I need to go and get a juice and have communion prior going to bed. God is blessed and praised!!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
There are so many questions in my mind, searching for answers in God.
Thanks for Judy, becuase today I will do the laundry. Praise God also for the lunch He provided with friends. He knew that those two were my main concernc today and He asnwered for them. Praise be to God the Father, who hears our heart cries.
How can I please You, Lord Jesus?
P.S. I loved the Second Epistle of Clement. It is about repentance mostly.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Thanks for Judy, becuase today I will do the laundry. Praise God also for the lunch He provided with friends. He knew that those two were my main concernc today and He asnwered for them. Praise be to God the Father, who hears our heart cries.
How can I please You, Lord Jesus?
P.S. I loved the Second Epistle of Clement. It is about repentance mostly.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Father, this morning I want to thank you for the Full Gospel Assembly church.
This church prays for one another. You are free to send requests or share your needs, and they will lift you up. You hear their prayers and respond accordingly.
Secondly, it is a circle of people who are persistent and lovers of worship.. They encourage one another!
So, thank You!!!
This church prays for one another. You are free to send requests or share your needs, and they will lift you up. You hear their prayers and respond accordingly.
Secondly, it is a circle of people who are persistent and lovers of worship.. They encourage one another!
So, thank You!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Father, I would like to be a person who is creative (art, music, etc) that people around me get interested in spending time with me. Use that creative side that You have given to me so that through that I could be a witness of Your love to all people.
Secondly, in all my relationship Grant me the power to LOVE like Christ has loved me. It is in the secret place that I want to seek Your face and spend time in Your Word. I want to like in Your presence day and night, to be ONE with You.
To love what You love and to hate the evil. Knowing that we are in the war with darkness through the light of the Gospel, I pray that You will set people free through Your anointing Spirit.

Jesus, in the relationship with Sam, surround us with Your glory, peace and everlasting joy. may
we spend time together to equip, to love, to forgive and to nurture one another. May we be obedient to Your call. May we be one in spirit and in truth. Father, we thank You that you are joining us in unity and love. That's so awesome. 
Father, thank you that You brought friends into my life that were lost and now found by Your Love. I thank You for the gift of discipleship. I thank You that You are My Best Teacher. The books that we are to read in school and seminary have not taught me to love others, nor to stay away from evil. But it is through Your Holy Spirit You are in constant teaching mode, that I could reflect Your will. I thank You that You distinguished the wisdom of the age/ the world, from the wisdom You have. May my mind draw near to Your wisdom, rather that be decieved and blinded with the wisdom of this world.
I love that You pursue Your people with love and Great is your mercy. We are forgiven on the account of Your Son Jesus. It is so awesome! Thank you for the heavens and the everlasting life in Your presence.Thank you, dear Jesus, for breaking the chains of Satan from my feet. You set me free and became the Rock of my life. You are the Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus, I wisper to You the words of my love and adoration: Be Praised Through All Nations. Be Glorified Through the Ages. May Your Kingdom Come, May Your Will Be Done. Praise, Honor and Adoration to Your Holy Name, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Father, thank you that You brought friends into my life that were lost and now found by Your Love. I thank You for the gift of discipleship. I thank You that You are My Best Teacher. The books that we are to read in school and seminary have not taught me to love others, nor to stay away from evil. But it is through Your Holy Spirit You are in constant teaching mode, that I could reflect Your will. I thank You that You distinguished the wisdom of the age/ the world, from the wisdom You have. May my mind draw near to Your wisdom, rather that be decieved and blinded with the wisdom of this world.
I love that You pursue Your people with love and Great is your mercy. We are forgiven on the account of Your Son Jesus. It is so awesome! Thank you for the heavens and the everlasting life in Your presence.Thank you, dear Jesus, for breaking the chains of Satan from my feet. You set me free and became the Rock of my life. You are the Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus, I wisper to You the words of my love and adoration: Be Praised Through All Nations. Be Glorified Through the Ages. May Your Kingdom Come, May Your Will Be Done. Praise, Honor and Adoration to Your Holy Name, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord Jesus is teaching us again the value to love the people with His Love.
- Yesterday we watched a movie "Furious Love" at New Life Church. It was incredible; there were stories of those who were touched by God's love in their deepest darkest hour.
- On Sunday morning, I was feeling very down, did not feel God's presence with me and so forth. But after the service, some people gathered in a circle for prayer and God stepped into my situation and gave me JOY and increased my faith. We prayed for the house I stay in. The prophetic word was I saw you working in the garden and the hands became dirty. But do not be afarid, God can make you clean up. Keep working in the garden." Lisa then said that I am sowing seeds in the Spirit that will later bring good fruits. So, I put my faith.
- Sam's situation on Sunday was not an easy one. His roommate told him that Chester could not stay with them. So, it was very painful, but they put their trust in God. He performed in proArte that day and was blessed to sing praises to God.
- I had a dream last night, where I saw Sam talking to people about a ring and etc. I was in the bed seeing and hearing him; and found a pink bag with a ring in it. I did not open the bad but I felt it. Then the lady asked me in total acceptance of me, whether I am ready to recieve a gift from Sam of PERFECT LOVE. The words "Perfect Love" stood out from the whole dream. The feeling of proposal and engagement are near that I could see in the Spirit, hear and touch. Praise God!!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dream of compassion and love
Praise the Lord today and forevermore!!!!
I had an awesome dream that came as a response to the yesterday's prayer: to have compassion and love for the lost.
The dream:
There were three kids in the orphanage, but one of them decides to run away from the master and so two other join him. Actually, it becomes evident that the guy also wanted to kill the master accidentally... The master, however, escapes that trap but continues to run after those three guys. I was running with kids looking where they are going. There were difficult roads, hidden places, water like in a vacation place, and finally hotel. The master (who was quite older) joined with police and they caught those boys. I was with one of them hidden in the red van like jeep. The master had the key to get in. Now, the feelings that boys had toward master were of fear!!!! However, when the master opened that van, I realized that he did not mean any harm but in love he saved them. The boys now understand that he cares for them and loves them. However, as they were standing outside experiencing reconciliation, there was a mafia dressed in a police uniform but they were bad guys. So one of them shot the gun into the master, master bleeds. Everyone understands that he is about to die. He laid down his life for those boys. Then, the helicopter arrived and he was put in a bed and raised up into the air. Then he becomes alive in the spirit.
I like the symbol of orphanage (God adopts us into His family), master is killed even though he laid down his life for those children (Jesus died for us, he saved us), the master was searching and running after the lost boys (Jesus came to seek and save the lost), the master was raised up by a helicopter (Jesus was resurrected from the dead and went to heaven) and some other symbolism.
Thank You Lord for giving this dream. I love you!!!! I can share this not only as a story, but a testimony and a sermon of evangelism.
I had an awesome dream that came as a response to the yesterday's prayer: to have compassion and love for the lost.
The dream:
There were three kids in the orphanage, but one of them decides to run away from the master and so two other join him. Actually, it becomes evident that the guy also wanted to kill the master accidentally... The master, however, escapes that trap but continues to run after those three guys. I was running with kids looking where they are going. There were difficult roads, hidden places, water like in a vacation place, and finally hotel. The master (who was quite older) joined with police and they caught those boys. I was with one of them hidden in the red van like jeep. The master had the key to get in. Now, the feelings that boys had toward master were of fear!!!! However, when the master opened that van, I realized that he did not mean any harm but in love he saved them. The boys now understand that he cares for them and loves them. However, as they were standing outside experiencing reconciliation, there was a mafia dressed in a police uniform but they were bad guys. So one of them shot the gun into the master, master bleeds. Everyone understands that he is about to die. He laid down his life for those boys. Then, the helicopter arrived and he was put in a bed and raised up into the air. Then he becomes alive in the spirit.
I like the symbol of orphanage (God adopts us into His family), master is killed even though he laid down his life for those children (Jesus died for us, he saved us), the master was searching and running after the lost boys (Jesus came to seek and save the lost), the master was raised up by a helicopter (Jesus was resurrected from the dead and went to heaven) and some other symbolism.
Thank You Lord for giving this dream. I love you!!!! I can share this not only as a story, but a testimony and a sermon of evangelism.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
where are we?

Hello dear readers and those who are in Christ!!!
I am pleased to tell you that God is great and He is awesome!!! The journey of faith is all about trust in God!
For the last few days I have been attacked by the unclean spirits. But, there is a battle going on right now. The Word of God is my sword and that is the weapon of the Spirit against flesh. I am thankful that His words are given to us to use and exercise, confess and hold unto. Jesus, when fasted, was tempted by satan. The weapon that Jesus used against devil was written word of God. I am to follow in the footsteps of my master, Jesus with fastings and declaration of written word.
Secondly, I am in the strategic plan to pay off the debt and thus to glorify God.
Thirdly, it is possible that the enemy increased attackes through my flesh and unclean spirits becuase there is a greater move of God is coming not only upon mu life but those around, even AU campus. It is so, GOD is going to step in with His glorious army into our place and shout the name of Jesus over us. I pray that the Heaven will be opened above us to drive out the demons and the darkness. Praise God!!!
I need to increase fasting, reading plus confessing the word of God, believing, praying in the Spirit and expecting GREAT WORKS OF GOD IN OUR MIDST THIS MONTH OF FEBRUARY.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
oh my grandpa
I want to write something: about my grandpa...
I have great memroies of this man. Everytime we visited him, he was patient and moderate in all he did. He was not fascinated with money, he did not have greed in his heart, rather he gave us so much. He blessed us (my sister and me) with food and spare change. He liked to instruct us by talking about future jobs, goals. I have not heard him to say negative abusive words to anybody. When he spoke during the birthdays and holidays, his speech reflected reverance!!! I cry because there is no like my grandpa, I miss him. I know that I will see him in heaven!!!
He loved to show photos and tell stories of his life. He loved to write letters to others.
One day I had a conversation with him and grandma about the word of God and Jesus. Then he asked me (when grandma was not around): Why did they crucify Jesus? I told him because of the blashemy, He said he was the Son of God.
My last time I talked to him was on the phone (from America to Russia). He was sick at that moment, and apparently could not speak. However, that call he kept saying: "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you..." I told him that "he is the most handsome man, the saint." i love you grandpa. I know you aer with Jesus, because you gave your heart to the Lord (when my mom prayed with you) and your face shone with light the day you passed away.
I have great memroies of this man. Everytime we visited him, he was patient and moderate in all he did. He was not fascinated with money, he did not have greed in his heart, rather he gave us so much. He blessed us (my sister and me) with food and spare change. He liked to instruct us by talking about future jobs, goals. I have not heard him to say negative abusive words to anybody. When he spoke during the birthdays and holidays, his speech reflected reverance!!! I cry because there is no like my grandpa, I miss him. I know that I will see him in heaven!!!
He loved to show photos and tell stories of his life. He loved to write letters to others.
One day I had a conversation with him and grandma about the word of God and Jesus. Then he asked me (when grandma was not around): Why did they crucify Jesus? I told him because of the blashemy, He said he was the Son of God.
My last time I talked to him was on the phone (from America to Russia). He was sick at that moment, and apparently could not speak. However, that call he kept saying: "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you..." I told him that "he is the most handsome man, the saint." i love you grandpa. I know you aer with Jesus, because you gave your heart to the Lord (when my mom prayed with you) and your face shone with light the day you passed away.
Sam's birthday and prayer
Today is Sam's birthday: he is 25 years old!!! Father, in the name of Jesus, please continue to be His God and guide his steps. May Your will be done and You be glorified. Create in him a clean heart and sharpen his spiritual vision. Give him discernment, he needs it, becuase he is surrounded by lots of people. Thank you for the love in his heart toward people. Thank you fo rgiving him an ability to accept others and be their friend. We are companions that are willing to serve You in greater way. Please, be with us faithfully all the days of our lives in Christ. We want to be Yours totally.
Daddy, I love you. Thank You. I have a desire for Your word to enter my spirit. But Father, without Your grace and Spirit, there is a possibility to grow weary and even misunderstand. Please, show Your grace and teach me Your word. Who will do it better than the Spirit of God? I surrender myself to the guidance of Your spirit to enlighten Your word upon my soul. Daddy, I do not want status or recognition of men, all I want is to be with You, hear Your voice and remain in Your love. Forgive me for times when I could be the love to others. Forgive me when my look and appearance drew people away from me. Forgive me for all the ways that grieved Your holy Heart. I fall in love with You. I need You!!!!! Father, yestderday's glories and victories are not today's. So, help me to run after You and fill with Your word. I give You priority, Jesus.
You are mine and I am Yours forever.
Daddy, I love you. Thank You. I have a desire for Your word to enter my spirit. But Father, without Your grace and Spirit, there is a possibility to grow weary and even misunderstand. Please, show Your grace and teach me Your word. Who will do it better than the Spirit of God? I surrender myself to the guidance of Your spirit to enlighten Your word upon my soul. Daddy, I do not want status or recognition of men, all I want is to be with You, hear Your voice and remain in Your love. Forgive me for times when I could be the love to others. Forgive me when my look and appearance drew people away from me. Forgive me for all the ways that grieved Your holy Heart. I fall in love with You. I need You!!!!! Father, yestderday's glories and victories are not today's. So, help me to run after You and fill with Your word. I give You priority, Jesus.
You are mine and I am Yours forever.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Monday news
Today is Monday. Our class had a speaker Salah E., he is a Muslim. We had a presentation on the Islam. We were allowed to ask qeustions. I asked him about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Islam, they believe that Jesus was taken to heaven and He will return for His people. However, they do not believe that Jesus was crucified and thus resurrected. Later one, our class had a short discussion about that. But honestly, he noticed that we disagreed on that issue, yet he saw that I respected him by saying "thank you" for his answer.
Secondly, One of the surprizing things. Yesterday Sam decided to ask me something "directly." He asked the size of my finger for the engagement ring. It was so honest and fun, peaceful and serious at the same time. I was surprized even though we talked about something like that before, but yeaterday it was so straightforward and exciting.
I thank You, dear Jesus, that You are our God. I am sorry if my emotions and feelings were difficult relating to the Islam and the whole classroom experience. But Youa re my peace and I follow Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord. Fill my heart with love and understanding the truth. Shed Your light into my heart.
Blessings of my professors and friends. I was surprized also to recived a message and being attached in a not by a seminary person. Maybe he is looking for a friendship and a security to have someone who will listen to and look forward to his coming back to seminary??? but anyway, I bless him too in the name of Jesus. May he will follow Jesus and receive Your best.
Send my love to Samushka.
Secondly, One of the surprizing things. Yesterday Sam decided to ask me something "directly." He asked the size of my finger for the engagement ring. It was so honest and fun, peaceful and serious at the same time. I was surprized even though we talked about something like that before, but yeaterday it was so straightforward and exciting.
I thank You, dear Jesus, that You are our God. I am sorry if my emotions and feelings were difficult relating to the Islam and the whole classroom experience. But Youa re my peace and I follow Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord. Fill my heart with love and understanding the truth. Shed Your light into my heart.
Blessings of my professors and friends. I was surprized also to recived a message and being attached in a not by a seminary person. Maybe he is looking for a friendship and a security to have someone who will listen to and look forward to his coming back to seminary??? but anyway, I bless him too in the name of Jesus. May he will follow Jesus and receive Your best.
Send my love to Samushka.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Glory and Praise to Father through Jesus Christ!
Yesterday I met with Tara H. It was an intense prayer-Word time!!! She shared the dream about 10 pirates (deception/liying; witchcraft; sneekie; greedy; envy; poverty; jealousy; manipulation; mocker; pride) and the sciptures. Together we prayed. I had a vision:
in the center of the living room there was a ground/plot for the plants to grow. It was functioning like a garden. I saw green grass and the understanding that there will be fruits growing in this garden.
Of course I did not knwo right away the meaning of its vision, but that evening the Lord gave this scripture:
Isaiah 61:10-11
I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.
Secondly, today on the Elijahlist, prophetic word was about the root. It identified the generational root of bitterness and then the root of Jesse, that of Christ Jesus. This is the prayer by Kathi Pelton:
Lord, I pray that every root in my life that is not a righteous root would be severed from me. I give You permission to show me any unrighteous root in my life or within my bloodline. I repent of and renounce all unrighteousness that has a hold on my life and ask You to let the Root of Jesse be my taproot. Jesus, I want to receive the fruit that comes from Your vine. I ask that the same Spirit that rested upon You would rest upon me; the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Open my eyes and ears to judge rightly and to walk in justice and truth. I ask, both for me and for Your Church, to have righteousness be our belt and faithfulness to be the sash around our waist. Thank you for the past season of refining, testing, exposing and deliverance. Thank you for loving us enough to align us. We receive Your righteousness alone. In the name of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Yesterday I met with Tara H. It was an intense prayer-Word time!!! She shared the dream about 10 pirates (deception/liying; witchcraft; sneekie; greedy; envy; poverty; jealousy; manipulation; mocker; pride) and the sciptures. Together we prayed. I had a vision:
in the center of the living room there was a ground/plot for the plants to grow. It was functioning like a garden. I saw green grass and the understanding that there will be fruits growing in this garden.
Of course I did not knwo right away the meaning of its vision, but that evening the Lord gave this scripture:
Isaiah 61:10-11
I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.
Secondly, today on the Elijahlist, prophetic word was about the root. It identified the generational root of bitterness and then the root of Jesse, that of Christ Jesus. This is the prayer by Kathi Pelton:
Lord, I pray that every root in my life that is not a righteous root would be severed from me. I give You permission to show me any unrighteous root in my life or within my bloodline. I repent of and renounce all unrighteousness that has a hold on my life and ask You to let the Root of Jesse be my taproot. Jesus, I want to receive the fruit that comes from Your vine. I ask that the same Spirit that rested upon You would rest upon me; the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Open my eyes and ears to judge rightly and to walk in justice and truth. I ask, both for me and for Your Church, to have righteousness be our belt and faithfulness to be the sash around our waist. Thank you for the past season of refining, testing, exposing and deliverance. Thank you for loving us enough to align us. We receive Your righteousness alone. In the name of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thursday, February 4, 2010

PTL!!!! Praise The Lord!
I am so happy of the conversations aI had with Patience and Sam. I learned so much just in one sitting about Patience. She is from Swaziland, a country within South Africa. She also lived in Canada, Netherlands and US. She tasted homelessness, rejection and so other trials in life, but her faith in God is pure as crystal, alive as a passion, and contageous as fire!
I already love her!
Secondly, Sam and I had a conversation too. It was amazing! We talked about kids, matrinomy, wedding, marital relationship and so forth. It was in peace, joy and love. How exciting to think of us being married one day; we call it adventure and journey. In response to my question, he said that motherhood requires three things: patience, goodness and kindness. He explained each term in detail, especially patience. What a journey! What a discovery!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Interesting the month of February!
I moved to a new apartment that is cheaper and plus I have a roommate. Secondly, a new discernment related to the content of the sermons.
Lord, You prepared something amazing for this month. May I step into all that You have for this season. I pray that you will keep my health in Your strength and peace. Thank You so much for what You have done and doing in out lives.
Father, I bless You and Jesus, You are awesome. Be glorified! Help me to preach the Gospel to the lost. I love you.
I moved to a new apartment that is cheaper and plus I have a roommate. Secondly, a new discernment related to the content of the sermons.
Lord, You prepared something amazing for this month. May I step into all that You have for this season. I pray that you will keep my health in Your strength and peace. Thank You so much for what You have done and doing in out lives.
Father, I bless You and Jesus, You are awesome. Be glorified! Help me to preach the Gospel to the lost. I love you.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It's been an interesting morning. I had experienced something unusual during the sermon at chapel today. I was grieved and broken becuase of the sermon. It did not the name of Jesus, nor did it glorify the Lord. I was upset but thankfully Zen and my mom were there to hold me up.
Thank you.
My body was also weak, maybe not enough the right nutritions. I do want to go back to Russia with Sam!!!!
This evening I will go to Judy, becuase tofether we will persevere and hold on.
I need Jesus and support today.
Thank you.
My body was also weak, maybe not enough the right nutritions. I do want to go back to Russia with Sam!!!!
This evening I will go to Judy, becuase tofether we will persevere and hold on.
I need Jesus and support today.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Yay- travel to Russia!

Dear Friends,
I am so happy! Papa Oleg called and said that my foreign passport and Russian are getting expired, so I need to travel to Russia to renew. Well, he proposed an idea and an invitation for Sam and me travel together suring summer vacation. I am so happy, my spirit is jubilant.
Lord, since this is Your guidance, I am giving You thanks. May You prepare the road for us and help Sam and I to accomplish the trip to Russia. We trust you.
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