Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
smell and taste
About the dreams,
even though I might not understand its meaning, but what interesting is that I had two dreams with an ability to smell and to taste. Both of those were real in the dream.
even though I might not understand its meaning, but what interesting is that I had two dreams with an ability to smell and to taste. Both of those were real in the dream.
two dreams
I had interesting dreams tonight and work up at 6: 06 am.
The first one:
Lavender and I were placed in a room to die from inhaling gas.There was a genitor there to monitor everything. It was specious and the gas was not very strong. As we were mentally preparing for our death, I remember my thoughts. I confessed and believed that I want to live so that I could bring more people to the Lord. I felt like it was not enough and not my time to go yet. I believed to be alive after it all (even if it was the most dangerous gas).
We were told that if they found out any alcohol on the screens than the procedure of increased gas will begin. I knew that neither of us had an alcohol but I saw a laptop and its cord was attached to the screen. I pulled that cord and a little smell started appearing. It pussled me and then I found a needle charged with alcohol in it. It was all planned out, so that we will not get out, but
I took that needled and went out of the wooden doors into the main supervisor. Then we all ran away safely outside. There was a metalic tall fense, but I was the first brave one to climb it.
My next dream continued to where I was left. There were like three of us at that moment. We saw sheep but then I saw a black bear. We ran off to save our lives from the hungry bear. Here we were on top of different furniture. The bear was after me and not the others. The bear even said, "well, you should hit me with something by now." So I did throw a bowl on his head. Then when the bear climbed the tallest furnture, I ran down and found a glass door into a small room. There I have hidden myself very secure.
Why? What does it mean?
Actually, I fell asleep again and my third dream continued from the first one, I believe. I ran away from that detention center. There were workers busy doing their job and I knew that if they figure out that I am a normal guy who decided to ran away, they will call on me. So, as a guy I took my shirt off and pretended to be sick, needed a place to threw up. That's how I made my way out of the camp.
On the streets of Russia I tried to find a direction to Leninsky prospect. A lady gave me a direction and I jumped into a bus. The numbers did not look familiar to me. So in the bus I started asking people, but nobody knew. Then I met two young fellows. We became good friends. Togehter we went outside and walked around a temple. ( I thought it was a temple in Ephesus) but it was something else. I woke because I had to run to work, without knowing where it takes me next.
The first one:
Lavender and I were placed in a room to die from inhaling gas.There was a genitor there to monitor everything. It was specious and the gas was not very strong. As we were mentally preparing for our death, I remember my thoughts. I confessed and believed that I want to live so that I could bring more people to the Lord. I felt like it was not enough and not my time to go yet. I believed to be alive after it all (even if it was the most dangerous gas).
We were told that if they found out any alcohol on the screens than the procedure of increased gas will begin. I knew that neither of us had an alcohol but I saw a laptop and its cord was attached to the screen. I pulled that cord and a little smell started appearing. It pussled me and then I found a needle charged with alcohol in it. It was all planned out, so that we will not get out, but
I took that needled and went out of the wooden doors into the main supervisor. Then we all ran away safely outside. There was a metalic tall fense, but I was the first brave one to climb it.
My next dream continued to where I was left. There were like three of us at that moment. We saw sheep but then I saw a black bear. We ran off to save our lives from the hungry bear. Here we were on top of different furniture. The bear was after me and not the others. The bear even said, "well, you should hit me with something by now." So I did throw a bowl on his head. Then when the bear climbed the tallest furnture, I ran down and found a glass door into a small room. There I have hidden myself very secure.
Why? What does it mean?
Actually, I fell asleep again and my third dream continued from the first one, I believe. I ran away from that detention center. There were workers busy doing their job and I knew that if they figure out that I am a normal guy who decided to ran away, they will call on me. So, as a guy I took my shirt off and pretended to be sick, needed a place to threw up. That's how I made my way out of the camp.
On the streets of Russia I tried to find a direction to Leninsky prospect. A lady gave me a direction and I jumped into a bus. The numbers did not look familiar to me. So in the bus I started asking people, but nobody knew. Then I met two young fellows. We became good friends. Togehter we went outside and walked around a temple. ( I thought it was a temple in Ephesus) but it was something else. I woke because I had to run to work, without knowing where it takes me next.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Need for Communion?
I was reading an old letter from my precious Samuel and in it I foudn that he took communion in the evening and the next day he woke up in prayer. I want to be more passionate about Jesus and maybe COMMUNION can foster that hunger and nearness of Jesus in my soul.
Dear Lord,
I hunger for you. I need You. You need us. Please, unite us in cords of love for You, in desperate devotion for Your Son, Father. Please, nurture my soul to cry to You more real and tangible.
I love Jesus and want more of You.
Please, saturate in Your abandunt grace and love. Let me bask in Your light to be revived for Your glory in this world.
Desperately in need of passion for Jesus.
Grow in me like the new seasons approaching us. Blow upon my garden and open up the doors for Jesus arome to penetrate all of me. Please, place Sam also on Your agenda to draw Him into a secret room, where his tears and prayers will create a beautiful garment of praise and glory.
Let us be revived again and again, chooding our allegiance to Jesus above all else.
Dear Lord,
I hunger for you. I need You. You need us. Please, unite us in cords of love for You, in desperate devotion for Your Son, Father. Please, nurture my soul to cry to You more real and tangible.
I love Jesus and want more of You.
Please, saturate in Your abandunt grace and love. Let me bask in Your light to be revived for Your glory in this world.
Desperately in need of passion for Jesus.
Grow in me like the new seasons approaching us. Blow upon my garden and open up the doors for Jesus arome to penetrate all of me. Please, place Sam also on Your agenda to draw Him into a secret room, where his tears and prayers will create a beautiful garment of praise and glory.
Let us be revived again and again, chooding our allegiance to Jesus above all else.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
give thanks for the prayers

2 Corinthians 1:11 "Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many."
I thank many people right now for their genuine prayers on my behalf. Samuel is my dearest companon and friend who spends everyday in pryaer for me. Then , there is my mom and Sam's mom, who are vigilant in prayers for their children.
Thirdly, I have a friend Tireen who mentiones me and my mom in her prayers very often.
There is my Amercan families: Grear and Harrington.
Judy also prays for me a lot. Patience, my roommate, is another prayer intercessor on my behalf.
Of course, the list is much more, and quite often the unknown prayers to me are held in God's book of remembrance.
Are my prayers for people create the praise and thanksgiving on the lips of receipients?
what do I think about Islam?
Hi dear reader,
I am happy that there is an informal place to share my ponderings and thoughts. I have been reading the book by Philip Jenkins called "the Lost History of Christianity" thatled me to the search ...
Today, the missionaries and Christian scholars promote friendship with other religions. Even taking the classes at the semenary gave a positive view on other faiths. However, to my biggest surprize, I've discovered that for Muslims, the number 666 is the holy number, whereas for the Christians it refers to the beast. I think that young minds are deceived in their perception of Islam. However, I do not think that it is healthy to be afraid or to put that faith down. More likely, it is healthy to realize that Jesus is not on friendly terms with Islam, yet his ways are loving toward all people. I think Islam religion is not to be co-friendly with Christian, but we are to pray for ways that God wants to minister to Muslim communities.
The book also showed that in the beginning of Islam (612), Christianity and Islam lived in perfect peace and friendship. However, at some point the Muslims decided to conquer the places and to bring Islam as the main religion. In Christian history we also encounter similar approaches... But the question is will this friendliness with Islam be so forever, or at some point it will come out in utter persecution of Christians. The Bible says that the persecutions for faith will continue.
the greatest example for me right now is Mama Ta. They do prayer meetings for Muslim on Saturday and they serve them in love. I have witnessed their minsitry of love toward Muslims.
God bless our ministers and the people who are in deception. Give them eyes to see the truth of the gospel and emrace the love of God.
I am happy that there is an informal place to share my ponderings and thoughts. I have been reading the book by Philip Jenkins called "the Lost History of Christianity" thatled me to the search ...
Today, the missionaries and Christian scholars promote friendship with other religions. Even taking the classes at the semenary gave a positive view on other faiths. However, to my biggest surprize, I've discovered that for Muslims, the number 666 is the holy number, whereas for the Christians it refers to the beast. I think that young minds are deceived in their perception of Islam. However, I do not think that it is healthy to be afraid or to put that faith down. More likely, it is healthy to realize that Jesus is not on friendly terms with Islam, yet his ways are loving toward all people. I think Islam religion is not to be co-friendly with Christian, but we are to pray for ways that God wants to minister to Muslim communities.
The book also showed that in the beginning of Islam (612), Christianity and Islam lived in perfect peace and friendship. However, at some point the Muslims decided to conquer the places and to bring Islam as the main religion. In Christian history we also encounter similar approaches... But the question is will this friendliness with Islam be so forever, or at some point it will come out in utter persecution of Christians. The Bible says that the persecutions for faith will continue.
the greatest example for me right now is Mama Ta. They do prayer meetings for Muslim on Saturday and they serve them in love. I have witnessed their minsitry of love toward Muslims.
God bless our ministers and the people who are in deception. Give them eyes to see the truth of the gospel and emrace the love of God.
Celebrate what you want to see more of
~Tom Peters
Today Samushka is drawing flowers outside with pastel colors. He is going to send it to his mom by mail. Maybe, he will draw somethng for me too.
I am reading somore books that at first are too difficult to understand, but on the other hand, I am thankful that it is a challenge.
Yesterday, we went to the Conference called "Kingdom Now." It was fun!
Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for the weather outside and for what You have put inside of us. There are multiple treasures because we were made in Your Image. Thank you Lord for giving us this day. I pray that it will glorify You and bring us closer to You. Faithfully and Passionately yours,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
God knows the future

Dear readers,
I think it is itneresting that usually we do not know whawt will happen tomorrow. We might have some ideas about what to do: plans and agenda, but the fact remains: only God knows the future before it happened.
Another thought is that God gave the humanity wisdom and understanding to look at the signs and seasons to judge the events and situations. The Lord is interested in us being prepared for the future.
If we realize that the Lord knows the future,
we can pray to Him and ask for direction, guidance, wisdom and knowledge.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
the Lord loves a thankful heart.
Thank you Father in heaven that I can work on the paper Theology of Evangelism with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for seeing Sam this weekend and all that we were able to do.
Thank You for the kingdom of heaven
Thank you that I can put my energy into the plan and goals for my life. To serve you through that.
Thank you for computer, room, roommate, friends and family, and You Jesus.
Thank you Father in heaven that I can work on the paper Theology of Evangelism with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for seeing Sam this weekend and all that we were able to do.
Thank You for the kingdom of heaven
Thank you that I can put my energy into the plan and goals for my life. To serve you through that.
Thank you for computer, room, roommate, friends and family, and You Jesus.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Dance Our Father in heaven

Today I danced at Park Place on the music and song called "The Lord's Prayer." Joanny was playing ona keyboard, Rhonda sang. Amazingly, at the end of the dance, the white butterfly flew closer to me and touched. Two people told me about that. WOW! God, Father, You are amazing!!!!
Talked to Joyce,
John and Jane,
God bless each one of them.
In Jesus Name
Today I danced at Park Place on the music and song called "The Lord's Prayer." Joanny was playing ona keyboard, Rhonda sang. Amazingly, at the end of the dance, the white butterfly flew closer to me and touched. Two people told me about that. WOW! God, Father, You are amazing!!!!
Talked to Joyce,
John and Jane,
God bless each one of them.
In Jesus Name

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Karen has good news

Thanksgiving for Karen.
For the first time I heard Karen say, " I am thankful that God hears my prayers and answers." She shared a praise report about her son.
She loves to read the Bible and memorize the scriptures. She loves to write and sing worship songs.

She started to pray with me on our knees and voice prayers. She mentioned about her prayers at home by herself.

* Continue to disciple her in Word, prayer
* Continue to pray for her renewal of mind
* Teach her to pray more
* Support her in times of anxiety and distrust
* Provide books that will help her spiritual, emotional wellbeing
For the first time I heard Karen say, " I am thankful that God hears my prayers and answers." She shared a praise report about her son.
She loves to read the Bible and memorize the scriptures. She loves to write and sing worship songs.

She started to pray with me on our knees and voice prayers. She mentioned about her prayers at home by herself.

* Continue to disciple her in Word, prayer
* Continue to pray for her renewal of mind
* Teach her to pray more
* Support her in times of anxiety and distrust
* Provide books that will help her spiritual, emotional wellbeing
Friday, September 10, 2010
pray with me
Praise and honor belongs to God!!! I want to thank Him for the recent activites that emerged around me. Tara blessed me with her prayers and conversations on Wednesday evening at her house. Bless her, dear Lord Jesus. May she continue to radiate Your glory and praise, the knowledge of You in every place she goes. Bless dear Phil too. Give him the encouragement and strength in all that he faces today and days to come.
Secondly, may I raise a prayer of thanksgiving for my roommate. The Lord opened a door for reconciliation. The Lord mended the broken pieaces into a wholeness. We praise You, God.
Thirdly, I thank You, dearest Jesus, for touching and restoring the relationship between You and Sam. You continue to give him fresh manna of Your presence. Thank You for your direction, faithfulness and the bountiful presence of Your Spirit upon Sam.
Thank You for the blessing that came upon my life and my family. We are grateful to You for that. Thank you for Iana, You alone give her strength and wisdom to hear from You and follow Your steps.
Dear Jesus, May you help me to be the light and a blessing at Dove Harbor. My mission there is to be a blessing to them. Can we together bring peace, restoration, joy, and healing ot that place? Can your Son, Jesus, shine mighty in that place each new day?
Thank you for the prayers of Clayton, whose birthday we celebrated yesterday. He raised an amazing prayer of thanksgiving. Oh!!!!! Glory to Jesus!
Father, finally, thank you for the dance and the calling to dance. I am submitting myself to the move of Your Spirit. The church needs the glory of Your presence, the awekening of Your love and much more. May the dance and the song on Sunday bring refreshment to the weary and give strength to the weak. We love you. I believe and have hope that You will show Yourself faithful on that day, as we come to worship You.
Thank you dear Jesus, for the holiday and celebration among the Jewish community this week, as they enetered into a new year. May Your peace, blessing rests on each Jew, and even the believers of Christ.
Daddy, here was the long prayer of thanksgiving.
You are worthy!!!! Thank You so much!!!!
We love you.
Please, touch Karen with Your miracle. Help her to see and understand that You love her very much.
Be with Danielle and pursue her into a deeper committed relationship with You, holy Lord.
Blessings upon all male community. May You show them how to be leaders like Christ. May they bring peace, joy and goodness to women across the world.
I believe and praise you Father in heaven inthe name of Jesus.
Secondly, may I raise a prayer of thanksgiving for my roommate. The Lord opened a door for reconciliation. The Lord mended the broken pieaces into a wholeness. We praise You, God.
Thirdly, I thank You, dearest Jesus, for touching and restoring the relationship between You and Sam. You continue to give him fresh manna of Your presence. Thank You for your direction, faithfulness and the bountiful presence of Your Spirit upon Sam.
Thank You for the blessing that came upon my life and my family. We are grateful to You for that. Thank you for Iana, You alone give her strength and wisdom to hear from You and follow Your steps.
Dear Jesus, May you help me to be the light and a blessing at Dove Harbor. My mission there is to be a blessing to them. Can we together bring peace, restoration, joy, and healing ot that place? Can your Son, Jesus, shine mighty in that place each new day?
Thank you for the prayers of Clayton, whose birthday we celebrated yesterday. He raised an amazing prayer of thanksgiving. Oh!!!!! Glory to Jesus!
Father, finally, thank you for the dance and the calling to dance. I am submitting myself to the move of Your Spirit. The church needs the glory of Your presence, the awekening of Your love and much more. May the dance and the song on Sunday bring refreshment to the weary and give strength to the weak. We love you. I believe and have hope that You will show Yourself faithful on that day, as we come to worship You.
Thank you dear Jesus, for the holiday and celebration among the Jewish community this week, as they enetered into a new year. May Your peace, blessing rests on each Jew, and even the believers of Christ.
Daddy, here was the long prayer of thanksgiving.
You are worthy!!!! Thank You so much!!!!
We love you.
Please, touch Karen with Your miracle. Help her to see and understand that You love her very much.
Be with Danielle and pursue her into a deeper committed relationship with You, holy Lord.
Blessings upon all male community. May You show them how to be leaders like Christ. May they bring peace, joy and goodness to women across the world.
I believe and praise you Father in heaven inthe name of Jesus.
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dear Lord, my Heavenly Father, I come before You.
You are worthy! May my heart truly say "thank you" for what You have done. You are a deliverer! You know us so well and You seek to engage us with You daily.
Thank You Father!!!!!!!
You helped me to forgive Sam and let go of any wrong ill feelings, by putting myself in "his shoes." I realized that he did not have phone, that means nobody could call him. I would feel so sad because of it. However, he found a way to call me. Good job, Sam!
He also shared with me that some physical illness was bothering him for the long time. It has been a concern for my dearest Samuel.
He is coming tonight and will be here until Sunday. Lord, would you help us to honor one another in love and in all that we do, help us to praise You and do good to each other.
Jesus, You are still with me, Right????
I believe that You are!!!
Love you
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Yesterday was a day of battle in the spiritual realm. I had two dreams where I had to withstand opposition in Jesus. Today I woke up at 4:30 am with the words spoken outloud: "Jesus is my life and salvation."
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
In te dream, there was a lady who spoke all right Christian things, but I knew in my spirit that there is an evil spirit in her. Finally, I prayed in toungues and she prayed too, but I could understand everything that was spoken. She got up from the table and started fighting me in the spirit. I only spoke the words of life.
Matthew 15:7-9
Isiah was right when he prophesied about you; "These people honor me with thier lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship me in vain their teachings are but rules taught by men."
Lord, I need Your presence of the Spirit. Make my life a prayer to You. Amen
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
In te dream, there was a lady who spoke all right Christian things, but I knew in my spirit that there is an evil spirit in her. Finally, I prayed in toungues and she prayed too, but I could understand everything that was spoken. She got up from the table and started fighting me in the spirit. I only spoke the words of life.
Matthew 15:7-9
Isiah was right when he prophesied about you; "These people honor me with thier lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship me in vain their teachings are but rules taught by men."
Lord, I need Your presence of the Spirit. Make my life a prayer to You. Amen
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