What a great weekend Sam and I celebrated in Bloomington and in Anderson. We both felt encouraged, uplifted, nourished in our soul and spirit. The Lord worked in mighty ways. Walk around the IU campus on Saturday morning, when stillness and sun created a wonderful experience; stopping by the Cafe that was Christian. We felt greatly blessed by being there that Saturday morning; visiting an Art store and chatting with workers, who were so helpful in finding ways to let Sam to have an ART show.
On Sunday morning, I experienced a very negative, dramatic feeling in relation to being at church. What seemed to be an issue of all inclusiveness, tolerance to the point of excaping the name of God, after an honest conversation with Sam at the food place, I was able to look into the situation with more imput. Sam shared how he views people from the Temple point of view. Jewish understanding of the Temple descibed in the Holy Scriptures as having three parts: the Court, the Holy and the Holy of Holies. People are on the different stages in their lives, and Sam allows to interact with them accordingly, whereas I preferred to connect only on the Holy and Holy of Holies level (meaning let's just focus on the glory of God, who awesoem our Jesus is). In the court, there are issues that may or may not be related to God necessarily (earthly things, so to say).
But God worked even deeper into my soul and understanding concerning that situation. He helped me to see the HURT within my temle, an area where I have been wounded so bad by a certain Christian community, that left a bitter root of betrayal, distrust to a Christian community. And there are many people who are in that place still. However, in teh bathroom of the Theater, I approached the Cross where Jesus Died in my prayer and laid that hurt and asked Jesus to wash it off, so that I could love and forgive. Immediately I saw a huge difference to people around me and that particular community of faith. People do say, "We hurt others, when we are hurt."
So, glory to God for the liberting power of the Cross.
In my dream tonight, I verbally spoke the words to somebody, "You (we all) have our own will. But Jesus prayed, not my will be done, but Yours." Sam lifted a prayer on my behalf using the same words, "Let Your will be done."
In the worship class, we looked into the Temple and Jesus. Oh, it was so engaging. Jesus is the Temple!!!!