Last night I had a dream, it was in a series of events.
First, sam went to work for several hours and I decided to ride a bus in the city, then walked. I see my greandfather (who now is in heaven with the Lord). He says that he can lay hands on me. When he did that, he spoke "light." Then he said Isaiah 31, and said a poetic sentence about coming to the Lord by the blood and leavnign His presence by the Blood.
Then the scence is in teh big hall of a university ( sort of like Indiana University). There, Samual and I are the wedding couple. I could not see my face, but my dress was absolutely gorgeous. Actually, people who were gathered there were sort of rich and everything served and decorated was expensive. At the same time, I did not feel any sense of proud, ont the other hand, I was meak in the dream. The last thing of the night was the wedding dance of a groom and a bride. Samuel was leading the dance and I was folloing him barefoot. It was cute and wonderful. The dance was done in a small, tiny room.
Then to the big hall arrive a group of "workers" who say that everybody must leave the place. I perceive that they are not good and they plan some kind of evil. So, I speak out and say, "We need to tight them." The leader immediately pull out a gun. They wanted money from everybody. The first person they turned to was me. But I told them honestly that I did nto brign any money or purse with me, this is all I have (pointing to this dress). They left me alone. Then the leader choses the president of the university as "sacrifice". The leader speaks in poetic some form mentiong air. Then she (the leader) asks if he would promise to give his all possessions (52 thousand dollars or millions) and everybody will be free to go. The president of that university promises the leader. Now, I see when the leader was moving, the president became hesitant, seeing the gun laying on the table near him. The witnesses observe his hesitancy and I say to him :" Do not take the gun, you promised. And plus, it is better to keep your life."So,t eh president leaves without a gun. And now everybody is leaving the place. At that time the big dog started sniffing me and I was covered with a winter coat. I take off the fury coat and came to one the leaders and hug the lady. The dog could not trace the smell on me. The lady felt my love toward her, but then she saw a wedding ring on my left hand. There stood a test for her, whether she let go of her chase for wealth and choose love. But the lady choose the golden ring. I let go of it, saying that it came from my mother. And thinking about it is ok, because of the kingdom of heaven.
The next part of the dream is a devout rightous man becomes tempted by a woman. I don't know whether it was the president, most likely not, somebody else.
P.S. As a reflection to this dream, I think of the long-time ago dream and the scripture from Proverbs, "It is better to be among the oppressed than to share the plunder with a proud." Continue to think about poverty, famine in the United States.
First, sam went to work for several hours and I decided to ride a bus in the city, then walked. I see my greandfather (who now is in heaven with the Lord). He says that he can lay hands on me. When he did that, he spoke "light." Then he said Isaiah 31, and said a poetic sentence about coming to the Lord by the blood and leavnign His presence by the Blood.
Then the scence is in teh big hall of a university ( sort of like Indiana University). There, Samual and I are the wedding couple. I could not see my face, but my dress was absolutely gorgeous. Actually, people who were gathered there were sort of rich and everything served and decorated was expensive. At the same time, I did not feel any sense of proud, ont the other hand, I was meak in the dream. The last thing of the night was the wedding dance of a groom and a bride. Samuel was leading the dance and I was folloing him barefoot. It was cute and wonderful. The dance was done in a small, tiny room.
Then to the big hall arrive a group of "workers" who say that everybody must leave the place. I perceive that they are not good and they plan some kind of evil. So, I speak out and say, "We need to tight them." The leader immediately pull out a gun. They wanted money from everybody. The first person they turned to was me. But I told them honestly that I did nto brign any money or purse with me, this is all I have (pointing to this dress). They left me alone. Then the leader choses the president of the university as "sacrifice". The leader speaks in poetic some form mentiong air. Then she (the leader) asks if he would promise to give his all possessions (52 thousand dollars or millions) and everybody will be free to go. The president of that university promises the leader. Now, I see when the leader was moving, the president became hesitant, seeing the gun laying on the table near him. The witnesses observe his hesitancy and I say to him :" Do not take the gun, you promised. And plus, it is better to keep your life."So,t eh president leaves without a gun. And now everybody is leaving the place. At that time the big dog started sniffing me and I was covered with a winter coat. I take off the fury coat and came to one the leaders and hug the lady. The dog could not trace the smell on me. The lady felt my love toward her, but then she saw a wedding ring on my left hand. There stood a test for her, whether she let go of her chase for wealth and choose love. But the lady choose the golden ring. I let go of it, saying that it came from my mother. And thinking about it is ok, because of the kingdom of heaven.
The next part of the dream is a devout rightous man becomes tempted by a woman. I don't know whether it was the president, most likely not, somebody else.
P.S. As a reflection to this dream, I think of the long-time ago dream and the scripture from Proverbs, "It is better to be among the oppressed than to share the plunder with a proud." Continue to think about poverty, famine in the United States.