Last week, Samuel had a high temperature and fever. So he rested in bed most of Saturday and Sunday. He did not go to work on Monday. During those highly difficult physically days, the Lord blessed it spiritually. He revived us!!!! We received teaching from Benny Hinn on how to seek the Lord. AWW, since that we had a long wonderful week with the Lord. I even took pictures of our family on each, there was a huge light presence above us. Cool! Also, my son sleeps so sound during the night like he had never had!!!!! It is amazing!!!!
What is it about seeking the Lord!!!!
Not only it is a must priority of every Christian, it is also a day to day journey fueled by the Spirit of God and His Word.
The Lord is taking me to learn His name.
That is just a beginning.
Since, Christmas is upon us and then a New Year, I have found this statement: It can be your best year if on the knees.
Praise the Lord for Who He is and His marvelous Name that He will reveal to those who diligently seek Him about all else in life.