Today is Sunday, the Lord's day. It was so special to go to a big new church to me and I was anxious to present there along with the body of believers. However, two servises I set holding my tears and cry inside myself. Why? You see, I desired to see Jesus and meet Him in the church. But as one minister said, "There are many distractions..." I prayed and hoped that something will happen that we all turn our eyes unto Jesus and worship Him . Oh, how desperate it was to seat alone and hear the great sound of orchestra and a choir but little of the Holy Spirit with His whisper and peace.
I thought that maybe if I seat in a different row something will change, but the flow of despair and longing to be with Jesus overwhelemed even more. At the moments when the congregation changed first service to the next, I rushed to my Bible searchning Him... Then I came back to my room and I had to learn to humble again and do the best for the interests of my roommate; I left the room. On my way to somewhere I stopped by my rooster- Jenny. How funny but she just woke up. The first thing she said, "I saw you in my dream right now". Well, I set down near and was eager to listen carefully what she was about to say. Trying hard to keep her eyes open, she began her dream.
We were on the ship when suddenly everybody realized that ahead of us the river was getting to the waterfall which meant that everybody will fall down and probably die. The people's faces became fearful and some lives had already perished. My friend Jenny had rescued a rich couple form the death by reaching out her hand to them. Then she came to me noticing that I did not look frightened as others but remained cheerful. Jeeny said, "Katya, we are going to fall. Are you afraid?" I answered: "No. Do you believe Jesus?" She nogged: "yes, I believe in Jesus." Then we hugged each other tight and prepared to dive down. The amazing thing happended: we slowly and gradually were headin lower as a bird's feather on a wind. Jenny was enormously thankful and at the same time astonished by the power of God to save us. When we safely arrived to the ground of the river there was a rainbow...
I thought that maybe if I seat in a different row something will change, but the flow of despair and longing to be with Jesus overwhelemed even more. At the moments when the congregation changed first service to the next, I rushed to my Bible searchning Him... Then I came back to my room and I had to learn to humble again and do the best for the interests of my roommate; I left the room. On my way to somewhere I stopped by my rooster- Jenny. How funny but she just woke up. The first thing she said, "I saw you in my dream right now". Well, I set down near and was eager to listen carefully what she was about to say. Trying hard to keep her eyes open, she began her dream.
We were on the ship when suddenly everybody realized that ahead of us the river was getting to the waterfall which meant that everybody will fall down and probably die. The people's faces became fearful and some lives had already perished. My friend Jenny had rescued a rich couple form the death by reaching out her hand to them. Then she came to me noticing that I did not look frightened as others but remained cheerful. Jeeny said, "Katya, we are going to fall. Are you afraid?" I answered: "No. Do you believe Jesus?" She nogged: "yes, I believe in Jesus." Then we hugged each other tight and prepared to dive down. The amazing thing happended: we slowly and gradually were headin lower as a bird's feather on a wind. Jenny was enormously thankful and at the same time astonished by the power of God to save us. When we safely arrived to the ground of the river there was a rainbow...
Both of us had a chance to think about it and interpret it. We both struggle living in this environment: evil, corrupt, hateful, no body is hungry for Jesus, dry and weary land where there is no water. God called us righteous because our faith in Him and therefore, He saved us from the destruction. Halleluja! My heart rejoices in the Lord for He has comforted His children with the words of love and care in the destructive and hard time. Halleluja to the King and our Lord Jesus Christ.
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