Many of you had dreams and visions that were aborted or LEFT UNFINISHED, and you will see them revived and come to pass.
If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him TWO MILES Matthew 5:41
Remember, the first mile was required, and there was no special honor or attention by fuifiling this task. It can be greatly rewarding to do acts of kindness- for people who appreciate them. Even the world does this, but I want you to go further.
Jesus said: "Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheeck, turh to him the other also. Matthew 5:39

When My Son impresses you to walk the second mile, He is talking about helping people who don't like you, and who don't appreciate what you do for them.
When you do them good, they may go off and laugh at you.
This is My agape love in action, the ind that was expressed on the Cross.
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