"And let us call the church to fasting and prayer in repentance for the destrauction our nation has influenced upon the people of Iraq" (qt. in Jim Wallis, p. 79).
"This military action has killed at least 10,000 Iraqis, about 900 American soldiers have died in Iraq." (p. 80)
"At no time has he or any other national leader, of either political part, called the notaion to apologize or repent for these volent abd highnanded acts." (p.81).
"As Christians, what shall we say to these things? We are called to serve a Lord whotaught his followers to turn the other cheek when attacked and to love their enemies. We should aslo recall the passionate exhortation of St. Paul, "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (p.81).
The newspaper "The Chronicle" for April 2008:
Has an article "'Adopt a Terrorist for Prayer' movement begins"
-The new web-based ministry, Adopt a Terrorist for Prayer (ATFP), helps Christians follow Jesus' instructions to love and pray for their enemies.
-The founder of ATFP is Dr. Thomas Bruce
-"It's all about connecting these prayer warriors to each other to see how others are praying, to encourage each other, to spread the word, and fight this Ward on Terrorism in a powerful and spiritual way."
- go to their website : http://www.myatfp.com/

- For heart changes
- For dreams and visions
- For irresistable pursuit by God's Spirit
- For inescapable proclamation of God's word
- For demonstration of God's grace
- For conviction of sins
- For freedom to respond
- Against spiritual blindness and bondage
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