I want to guide you through a journey of discovery.
On Sunday, after service, we lifted prayers on behalf of those who feel insignificant, unimportant within the body of Chirst. They feel like they do not have gifts or have no opportunity to plug in what they can.
On Tuesday, I received a phone call from Judy, who wants to get together on Friday to receive some training from those who are gifted in music how to lead IHOP worship. We talked about those who want to be active yet they are not professional and need help of training. It was very exciting to hear. Also, yesterday, the Lord Almighty was gracious and amazing because He let me see ants!!!! Yes, little ants!
The meaning of it is in following:
Ants are very small and look insignificant. However, in the pastery of God, they are the ones to take example. The Lord praises them for their hardwork and wisdom, etc. So, just like those little ants, there are many people who are unseen in our churches. They are so small!!! However, the Lord is changing that. He will make sure those ungifted people, insignificant will be raised up, trained and brought to the active role and ministry in the churches. Amen.
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