Remember, I wrote about my concerned heart in relation to Sam.
Well, my silence was a motivational key to Sam, apparently. He called me twice, left a voice mail, message with a picture, a gift on facebook (a rose) and a message on facebook.
It is surprising to me all of that, my heart is still concerned. Don't take me wrong, I love Samushka very much. He is the best of all the men! He is my love! I just wanted to be chased after and attempted to be asked in marriage. It is like in the movie, Danielle and I watched, called "Here comes the groom." This guy was so busy with his work and travels that he unintentionally left this lady in waiting period for such a long time, that she was concerned! She sent him a recording of her intentions either to be pursued into marriage or she will find someone else. The guy was awakened from his slumber. He arranged all he could, but it seemed too late now, she found a man who offered her not only hand in marriage but lots of money. The movie showed that through struggle to win his girl back, they are happily united.
That's a similar feeling and thoughts I have. I am ready to be asked, but all I see is waiting and waiting. That's a great biblical thing to do, but I am a woman. So, here all these concerns.
Lord, I do not want to use You in my own manipulative ways, but I ask Your help to guide us in the relationship and the timing. I have been told by spiritual leaders of my life to get ready for the wedding, to set a date and so forth, which I submitted slowly, but I do not even have the engagement ring. So, thanks for listenning to my story for today and I hope I would learn something positive out of it and will be able to help another lady in her desire to be loved and bewedded.
God bless you!
Well, my silence was a motivational key to Sam, apparently. He called me twice, left a voice mail, message with a picture, a gift on facebook (a rose) and a message on facebook.
It is surprising to me all of that, my heart is still concerned. Don't take me wrong, I love Samushka very much. He is the best of all the men! He is my love! I just wanted to be chased after and attempted to be asked in marriage. It is like in the movie, Danielle and I watched, called "Here comes the groom." This guy was so busy with his work and travels that he unintentionally left this lady in waiting period for such a long time, that she was concerned! She sent him a recording of her intentions either to be pursued into marriage or she will find someone else. The guy was awakened from his slumber. He arranged all he could, but it seemed too late now, she found a man who offered her not only hand in marriage but lots of money. The movie showed that through struggle to win his girl back, they are happily united.
That's a similar feeling and thoughts I have. I am ready to be asked, but all I see is waiting and waiting. That's a great biblical thing to do, but I am a woman. So, here all these concerns.
Lord, I do not want to use You in my own manipulative ways, but I ask Your help to guide us in the relationship and the timing. I have been told by spiritual leaders of my life to get ready for the wedding, to set a date and so forth, which I submitted slowly, but I do not even have the engagement ring. So, thanks for listenning to my story for today and I hope I would learn something positive out of it and will be able to help another lady in her desire to be loved and bewedded.
God bless you!
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