Dear friends,
Let me share with you my thoughts about worship.
I have been a worship leader two times in two different churches and was a member of a worship team in four churches.
1) Being a worship leader does not mean that you are an outstanding musician necessarily. Rather, your heart does not stop singing and praising God daily.
2) Worship leader is not responsible for everything, he or she can delegate different areas to people in a team. Freedom, creativity, enthusiam, joy and delight are important avenues in worship.
3) Holy Spirit is the only true leader of worship. The Gospel of John says that the true worshipers are in Spirit and truth. We are not to grieve the Holy Spirit and listens to His guidance.
4) If it were possibly, I would change the title 'worship leader' into 'a servant of worship' or something like that. Just like the word "Christian" today means so many things that lost its true meaning, so I believe the word "worship leader."
5) Humility is so crucial to every member of worship team, because "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." We praise the name of the Lord Jesus and give glory to the Father in the Spirit, and it requires humility.
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