Thursday, August 22, 2013

One person can make a difference

  The past month, which is July, the Lord has been teaching me about GENEROSITY. It has truly been a transformational month for us and the church too.

Now we are in the month of August and the latest thing I've been meditating is REVIVAL.
It has truly been my pondering how to pray for the revival of the nations. What can one person do in  relation to such an enormous task as revival? Yesterday, Samuel and I read Matthew 8 and as usual we talked about what we were reading, and out if it came an amazing revelation. God can do great things for many people through an instrument of one man. The centurion had great faith and because of it Jesus healed ALL seek people. In other instances Jesus could not do any miracles at the place because of unbelief. And based on that revelation Samuel and I decided to pray for the international students coming in for this semester and year. We interceded in faith for the revival. Actually, the prayer time was so awesome, we felt the glory of the Father upon us and that night an incredible peace abided in our room.  In addition we prayed for other things, like our pastor, our friend Scott, orphans in the Ukraine, etc.

That is what I wanted to share in here :)

Praise be to God!