Thursday, September 27, 2007


I want to come back again to that dream and its interpretation. My situation with roommate has changed to the best side. We are loving and friendly again because through the love and patience the Lord worked at all out. Praise to Him.

Once again, the dream was. It was a tornado in the sky (not hurricane cause hurricane is from water). It did not rain yet but the tornado was strong and the wind pushed me back several steps. I remember my surprise even during the dream that the wind was strong to push me back. THen I turned to the side of a house and the sky was clear. Well, that day, Sunday, one man at chuch said to me: Wait what the Holy Spirit will tell you about this dream."
So today less than a week, I read in elijahlist an article of vision of tornado and hurricane that meant a good thing: the Goodness of the Lord and His miracleous Power.

Now I see that something is happening that was left undone, unperfect, in the past that the Lord has placed me to see His goodness in it. I am very excited to believe Hid goodness in what I see and experience now.

Here is an article by Julie A. Smith:

"Last week, I had vision of a huge tornado coming. This tornado was the Lord, Himself, and it was a tornado filled with the goodness of the Lord. I saw this tornado do many, many things as nothing could escape its path. It uprooted and replanted. It moved people from where they were to where they needed to be. It was moving so fast and furious, it was hard for me to comprehend all that it was doing. It was completely changing and rearranging people, places, situatians and circumstances. It was moving everything! Then I heard there words:"Nothing can escape the goodness of the Lord."

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dear Lord, My Faithful One! How are you today? I have something to share with you over this letter. The Word and the dream has helped me to realize the situation with my roommate.
In my dream I saw a huge hurrican wind. It pushed me backward several steps and then I turned behind the house and the sky was clear. At first I thought during the Sunday School that it is a wind of the Holy Spirit, but as I looked throught the scriptures, I found Psalm 55.
Lord, here they are those words:

How quickly I would escape far from this wild storm of hatred. (8)
It is not an enemy who taunts me- I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me- I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you-my equal, my companion and close friend. Qhat good friendship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God. 12014)

As my companion, he betrayed his friends, he broke his promises. His words are as smooth as butter, but in his heart is war. His words are as sothing as lotion, but ubderneath are daggers!
Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you.

Thnak You, My SPEPHERD, JESUS!!!