Sunday, May 16, 2010

What shall we do???

The situation arose between S. and Jammy. But it is actually much more serious than what looks. So, we prayed and wait for God to guide us.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

SEEK the Lord

Since Sunday (May 2, 2010), The Spirit of the Lor is guiding me in the process of Seeking the Lord.
1) Hebrews 11:6 ...because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. I realized that on my part, I need to come to God, believe in Him, and earnestly seek him (three important verbs).

2) seek with all my heart. (Ps. 119:2, 10).

3) the Book of Haggai. In the context of that book, people forsook to build the Temple of the Lord, and were concerned with their own houses. The Lord desired people to put Him first and to bless them for that.

4) Seek first His kingdom adn his righteousness. (Matthew 6:33).

5) Jeremiah 29:12-14 "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and will bring you back from captivity."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

preparations to the wedding began

A year from now, Samuel and Katya will be getting married.

As a matter of face, let me share with you some ideas that we are already having so far:

Bridesmaids dresses: It took us so long to find the right color. Sam and I discussed the options from green and blue. Decorative piece to the bridesmaids will be fans.

Flowergirls: I wish they will have flower head wreaths.

Secondly, we were blessed with free wedding cake, a possible free band, free video footage.

Goals are to make invitations (design and print), to complete a guest list, to reserve Park Place Church, to buy veil and dresses for bridesmaids and flowergirls, to find a caterer (or do it ourselves), to agree on photographer (affordable), to find an apartment for us...

I am planning to sew two pillows for us. They will be white with great inprints.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What a great day!!!
Right now my mom and I are sitting in Mocha Jo, she is writing a letter to Iana, whereas I looked on facebook and email.
May God bless you!!! God is good!

I had a great talk with Kendall
Drew a picture
Viewed a movie "Anna of Green Gables"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Expecation to sew

After the exam, the Lord opened an opportunity to go to the Christian center, where my mom was. Interestingly, I desired to go there and the Lord provided. Thank you Jesus.

Secondly, I am excited to sew soon. May the Lord bless the hands and the creativity. The projects are curtain for Tara, pillow for us (Sammy and me), and others.

Love you dear Lord,

thank you!

P.S. Oh, I need to tell you about the coming opportunity for dance ministry in the church. The Lord is able to equip and multiple the resources to glorify His name through dance.


Thank you dear Father in heaven. What a joy to know that I can pray and lift Your name today.
Yesterday we were at our home church, new service at the new place!
Thank You Father for everything.

Today is my exam for Church of God reformation movement. I trust and rely that Youa re enabling me to retain information and cover everything in my study today. Would You pour out Your spirit to seek You first of all and then to be happy about the final exam.

I love you.
May You be with Sam and my mom.
Hebrew 11:6 "... because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who earnestly seek Him."
1) Come
2) Believe
3) Earnestly Seek