Sunday, October 27, 2019


I am in a new stage in the relationship with Jesus. He is the shepherd and I ama sheep.
It is going to be time to learn His voice and discern the voice of a stranger. Jesus gives me milk to drink

Thursday, October 24, 2019

No to Halloween

God is doing a wonderful thing! He preserved us from all evil (psalm 131) and helped us to stand against Halloween practices in the church.
Please listen to John Ramirez testimony !!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Caroline Leaf answers

Praise the Lord☺️!
I was listening this afternoon Dr.Caroline Leaf on why we forget things and as she discussed things, I came to a realization to why I had dreams of going backwards and experience stress and a lack of control. In my dreams the setting was school and I felt not prepared for exam in history. I ran into challenges and so forth. It’s true that growing up , I did not understand history and actually a lot of school learning was just skimming to get a grade and I did not internilize the material into meaning and that’s is why I lacked the memory from learning.
But today, praise God I have aquired some tools to help me to begin healthy memory.

1) to become organized, systematic, successive , so that there are not disconnected information which causes forgetfulness.
2) I need to develop deep thinking upon what I am hearing, by engaging myself into Ask, Answe and Discuss, which will help me to find meaning versus only gathering data .
3. I need to choose to pay attention . And if the material is not what I am naturally interested, I need to reconvert my attitude by seeing something valuable in the information.
4. When I began to pay attention, I need to stay away from multitasking, or dividing my attention to others things. I need to finish the task.

5. Be aware that toxic emotions hinder healthy memory.

Well, I am very thankful to learn this information with Caroline Leaf.
Simultaneously, I am engaged with the Holy Spirit in memorizing scriptures. Praise be to God for answering g to me in regards to the two dreams. I love ahoy, Lord

Going backwards

Yesterday and today I had strange dreams and the element that repeated in two dreams was me going backwards in a car and experiencing danger. In the first dream I saw a big sheep or ram( with no horns) charging at me, to the point that it could intentionally break my glass. The second dream I was driving to school and found myself driving backwards and the vehicle would not stop and because of it, the situation was difficult and stressful .
I have prayed to God and am in need of understanding what that all means.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Welcome Aramaic

We are discovering today an amazing renewal. The Lord, Holy Spirit led me to read an Aramaic version of the Gospel of Mark and when I shared with Sam, something clicked for us. You see, on November 2013, we have pondered about Sam writing about godly opera using Greek and Aramaic . Well, the Lord is setting us on the course! Praise God!