Monday, August 10, 2020

10 day fast

 Last night, the Spirit of the Lord was interceding for our children against the dead works of religious spirit. Also Jesus pointed out to the books as an access to the bookworm spirit. That spirit was thicker than my hand could grasp and he was fat because of the books. Jesus showed me through the magnifying glass the source, the house of a person loaded with books. Jesus pointed that with force I need to keep my hand because this one is persistent one. I believe one of the reasons my husband and I are led to go on a fast is because of this. But not only that, we are joining with the Spirit of the Lord and the believers for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

1 comment:

Diwakar said...

Hello Ekaterina. I am a Pastor from Mumbai India and I did comment on your other blog of Prayer. It was not an intentional visit to your blog post but as I was browsing I once again landed on your blog post. I am blessed and encouraged by your trust in the Lord. Be assured of my prayers as you continue to have ten days fast. Pastor Diwakar