Thursday, June 18, 2009

Notes about Korea and Balance

I dreamed of Jenny and John ( my Korean friends). Even though the dream did not look significant neither do I remember it all, but what surprized me was Elijahlist posted a prophecy today about Korea. It says that North and South will join and become united.

Lord, I know that this was the prayer of another Korean friend of mine for many years. I pray that in Your timing and in Your will two countries become one. May Communism fall and Christianity come to the surface.

Another interesting moment. I was reading Ecclesiastes and there was one verse translated in NIV as "The man who fears God will avoid all extremes." (7:18). It seems like the author speaks of balance. In addition, the prophecy on Elijahlist encourages that "in everything there must be balance." It is true that in Christianity we think of total surrender, total abandonment, total love, etc. We hardly hear about balance. What does it mean for a bleiver to be in balance. The artice talked about the balance between Heaven and Earth touching each other. Balance!!!

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