Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Psalm 91

Thank You Father,

Even though it is a blogger, but I come to You through the writing. Lord, may Your rest cover me tonight. I thought that my prayers and words to Elisa were a blessing, yet she left the apartment. Lord, I feel some guilt, but why???? Father, I choose to rest in You and trust that You will deal with us and bring the peace to our house and our relationship.

In the blood of Jesus, cover us.
In Your name, heal us.

Forgive my wrongdoings and shortcomings. If I sinned in any way, have mercy.

Cover me, daddy with Your protection. Becuase the enemy wants to rob my joy and peace. Father, I want to abide in Your shelter. Daddy, You are mighty and powerful! your ways are true and righteous! You are good! You are beloved!!! you love us so much!!!! I do love Elisa with my heart and am thankful for her presence.

Comfort and strengthen your servant in Jesus' mighty name.

I choose to rest in You today.

Daddy, You reign and I will just abide under Your wings. You reign, Oh Lord above my enemies and foes. Display Your kindess, mercy and greatness.

Who is there like You? you deserve praise and honor.

Daddy, thank you and in faith I confess and believe that you will be with me.
Your right hand upholds mine. Your word is my shield. remember, it is Your shield is faithfulness. "His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" (Psalm 91:4)
Rampart is a broad elevation raised as a fortification.

I already started to feel Your strength, Lord. The enemy will be silent by Your presence. Satan, You are defeated foe because of Christ's victory!!!! Halleluja!

I Love You Lord,
Mighty God.

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