Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sammy and me

Moreblessing asked me how is Sam. She was wondering when was the last time we saw each other. I told her that it was just lst Sunday (three days ago). She was really happy about that. I told her I cried a lot when we were togehter. She asked me, "What did he do?" I said, "He kissed my teary eyes. Oh, Sam is sweet!"
Then she said, "You shoudl get marry! I want to come to your wedding." I said, "You do?" She answered, "I want to give you the gift DVD "Marriage by Design." Then Moreblessing encouraged that we should speak by faith about marriage, our future husband. Oh, it was so sweet to hear that! Now, I just recieved a message from my Samushka: "I will pray. Good to hear about your day. Mine went well. I got a few things done. paid my rent. I love you. Enjoy your evening too my darling."

This is how sweet our Lord Jesus! Thank You Daddy for Sammy and our relationship! Your goodness speaks better than words, becuase we see Your hands and love each day.

Yours faithfully,

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