Friday, January 16, 2009

Overall review

This is the time I want to remind myslef about certain subjects:

God has loved us and His love covers all sins. The cross where Jesus died was the illustration of God's love for us, His people. The reason He loved us at the first place was His faithfulness_ the promise of the covenant with His people.

After we realize about His love for us and the faithfulness of His love, then we can embrace the life that is in Christ Jesus. Jesus has come that we may have the abundant life. The life in Christ involves using the gifts and talents God has given to us.
Before the coming of Jesus Christ, we were all bound to death, because of sin. But Jesus took away the sin and the death by the ressurection from the dead, thus giving life to everyone who belives.

Therefore, we move to the Faith subject. No promise or life is available apart from the faith. The Word says, "the rightous shall live by faith." The way we have the life of Jesus Christ is by faith. Faith works through love, confession and has the victory.

The summary of it all:
"The life I live in the body. I live by faith in te Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

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