Saturday, March 27, 2010

I want to be open with you reader, whoever you are. Many times I feel lonely and without close people, although the Lord has blessed amazingly with Samuel, who is my fiance and Judy's circle of friends (Who is my family) and Tara with Phil and few friends like Xen, Sarah, Jenny, Tim, Jinny and others. But for the most part, my heart is torn within me as I think of separation between my family and the feeling of lost with people.

Another thing that maybe is going on with me is a turture of the enemy and depression. The enemy likes to keep us like that- sad, depressed, lonely and so forth.

Also, as I moved to this new apartment, I found it so hard to pray and to seek God's face there. I cannot read the Bible too much, neither dance. My relationship with roommate is so-so (maybe due to my fault). I wish things will start changing and they will: my mom is arriving on April 7 and soon there will be the end of the semester. I am tired of studying. I want to belong an dbe nurtured by those around me again like a little child.

Jesus, I know You are faithful . Forgive me that I am mournind here, let me see the joy of Your salvation and rejoice. Truly in Your presence there is fulness of joy. Release me from oppression and depression, my dear Savior. I hold unto Your strong hands. Speak to me, love me strong.
Teach and restore.

Thank you!

Oh, I remember how Mike (the prophet) told me to go lower, so that Christ might increase. Lord, if I am going through this process, glory to You. But right now it seems very dark and strange, I want more of Your light and joy. You know my heart is to serve the gospel and to sing praises to You. I am yearning for heaven, because there will be fullness of joy.


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