Monday, December 11, 2006

the Lord is a fire and Jesus is a Teacher.

In the midst of our prayers, God is very sensitive to hear and respond to us.

Several days ago, my friend and I were praying by ourselves and then the Lord spoke to me very quetly and softly. His Word was touching but I also asked him to speak to me the word from the Bible.
So, He said to me that God is a fire. Thereofre, people are afraid to come to Him close because they are afraid to be burned. Then I pictured and remembered several stories in the Bible about Moses and three men in a fire. Then He said that He put His word in me that will be like a fire. I need to speak it to others and it will burn all the unnecessary things in their lives.

After His word, I looked up my Bible and meditated on a word. I realized that those who walk with God , fire does not harm them but it is there to pure them in order to make like a gold.

Jeremiah 23:29: "Is not My Word like a fire? declares the Lord"

Jeremiah 20:9
But if I say, “I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones, I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
~ New International Version ~

Before that word, He told me that Jesus is my best Teacher. I do not know why He said that until I opened the Bible and seared the scriptures with a word "teacher". A discipline can not be more than a teacher and in everything he should become like a Teacher. If Jesus was persecuted, so the dicsiples. If the Lord washed the feet as a servant so should His followers.
I also appreciate that Jesus is my best teacher because I need guidance and wisdom to know the way to go and obey Him. This word about beign like a teacher has helped me to realize that God seeks for the disciples who will set aside their own ambitions and desires to be praised by men in order to put all attention to their teacher. It is the Teacher who shall be praised and receive all the glory. Praise God!

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