Friday, February 12, 2010

Dream of compassion and love

Praise the Lord today and forevermore!!!!

I had an awesome dream that came as a response to the yesterday's prayer: to have compassion and love for the lost.

The dream:

There were three kids in the orphanage, but one of them decides to run away from the master and so two other join him. Actually, it becomes evident that the guy also wanted to kill the master accidentally... The master, however, escapes that trap but continues to run after those three guys. I was running with kids looking where they are going. There were difficult roads, hidden places, water like in a vacation place, and finally hotel. The master (who was quite older) joined with police and they caught those boys. I was with one of them hidden in the red van like jeep. The master had the key to get in. Now, the feelings that boys had toward master were of fear!!!! However, when the master opened that van, I realized that he did not mean any harm but in love he saved them. The boys now understand that he cares for them and loves them. However, as they were standing outside experiencing reconciliation, there was a mafia dressed in a police uniform but they were bad guys. So one of them shot the gun into the master, master bleeds. Everyone understands that he is about to die. He laid down his life for those boys. Then, the helicopter arrived and he was put in a bed and raised up into the air. Then he becomes alive in the spirit.

I like the symbol of orphanage (God adopts us into His family), master is killed even though he laid down his life for those children (Jesus died for us, he saved us), the master was searching and running after the lost boys (Jesus came to seek and save the lost), the master was raised up by a helicopter (Jesus was resurrected from the dead and went to heaven) and some other symbolism.

Thank You Lord for giving this dream. I love you!!!! I can share this not only as a story, but a testimony and a sermon of evangelism.

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