Monday, February 15, 2010


The Lord Jesus is teaching us again the value to love the people with His Love.

  1. Yesterday we watched a movie "Furious Love" at New Life Church. It was incredible; there were stories of those who were touched by God's love in their deepest darkest hour.
  2. On Sunday morning, I was feeling very down, did not feel God's presence with me and so forth. But after the service, some people gathered in a circle for prayer and God stepped into my situation and gave me JOY and increased my faith. We prayed for the house I stay in. The prophetic word was I saw you working in the garden and the hands became dirty. But do not be afarid, God can make you clean up. Keep working in the garden." Lisa then said that I am sowing seeds in the Spirit that will later bring good fruits. So, I put my faith.
  3. Sam's situation on Sunday was not an easy one. His roommate told him that Chester could not stay with them. So, it was very painful, but they put their trust in God. He performed in proArte that day and was blessed to sing praises to God.
  4. I had a dream last night, where I saw Sam talking to people about a ring and etc. I was in the bed seeing and hearing him; and found a pink bag with a ring in it. I did not open the bad but I felt it. Then the lady asked me in total acceptance of me, whether I am ready to recieve a gift from Sam of PERFECT LOVE. The words "Perfect Love" stood out from the whole dream. The feeling of proposal and engagement are near that I could see in the Spirit, hear and touch. Praise God!!!!

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