Thursday, April 30, 2009


I think God's revelation in coming... I had a dream one day ago with three significant imageries.

The context for the dream was some sexual perversion (through videos, magazines and a man). However, the desire/ lust for those things dimished greatly.

But what I found significant is that I was given bright yellow flowers. They were exactly what I wanted. SInce the flowers were given by a lady, her husband wanted to give me tools. I did not undertand why I needed those tools, so I did not take them. But there were two of them (big and small) as to work in the garden or for the harvest.

Finally, I was travelling in the air on a certain machine. The ground of that city was filled with trash, yet all our attention was given to the high buildings. The man jumped out of the vehicle and said, "Whenever you see the building with number 7, push "Stop"". I was given a controller with a button "Stop." I was looking desperately in a new environment the building with number seven. There were so many numbers and I felt confuzed, so I stopped. Then I saw a lday adn she spoke to me in Russian. I asked her about the building with number 7, she gave me direction and suggestion not to go there (kind of far and difficult). So, we did not go.

What concern me in this dream that I did not take the tools and we did not go to that house with number 7.
maybe it shows that the time is near but not has fully come.

Lord, I pray for Your wisdom and discernment to step into the new and the harvest. Let me eat, drink and do it all for the praise and worship of You. I also ask You to remove any false ground of sexual immorality from my life and thsoe around me. Saturate me in Your holiness.

Today's dream is not that significant to me but I found it interesting that Sam spoke to me these words,"You will work in the firm and be a light." He asked me that question, " So What is your goal in life?" I knew that there is no particular answer in me, so that is when he said that about being a light in a firm. Then I saw us many years pass, he came on a red car to pick me up from job and kissed. I had curly hair and he was skinny...

So, that's it for right now.
Let' s wait until the Lord reveals His will in more details.

Praise be to God ALmighty for His strength and power.

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